Tourist Mode

Oh I’m sorry, did you mean do this with a 5 man dungeon group? I’ll be happy to do that too lmfao.

Not going to lie, I looked at the title and thought this was going to be another Anti-LFR thread.

Bruh. That is your solution. Not mine. And if you wanna grab 5 more homies to clear Uldir, be my guest. What’s your Twitch? If you gimme 10 minutes I will be ready to watch your Tour. Tour, being going through the whole raid and not just the first boss.

But even then that is you taking your bad take and retroactively applying it to BFA. What about Nath? Are you gunna hit me up again when you and your five buddies can tour Sire?

Wait, my solution isn’t a solution except that it is a solution but just not one you like, but even though it’s a solution i have to prove that it’s a solution because it’s not a solution? You’re is every RPer in a nutshell.

Jesus you’re salty. You’re upset because my solution works and yours is silly for several technical reasons that have already been mentioned by others. This is either peak fragile ego or peak trolling fail. Get one homie, clear the raid, do your event. It’s that easy. But you’d rather score that sweet forum clout. It’s sad.

I can’t even with you. Your takes are the worst and you have shifted so many goals now that they aren’t even in the stadium.

But I am still waiting for your Twitch tour. If you want I can just give you my discord and you can screen share. Its rakhartsni#1234. Just let me know when you’re ready to start streaming.

No reward

congratulations on killing content especially dungeons.

You do realize you’re still projecting right? Well, maybe not…

Oh I see, it only counts if I have twitch and stream it. Yeah mate, even if I had that, you’re definitely not the kind of person I would give my info to.

Edit: queue ‘Checkmate, atheist (or equivalent)’ bingo box reply.

This sort of exists already. If you entered a cleared raid id (at least in the past), the trash was all gone and you can move around freely.

Not sure if it ever worked with heroic dungeons.

Neither are really use-cases I used regularly/intentionally. MC is a good example of this since the trash types were tied to specific bosses.

Welp, since you seem unwilling or unable to make good on your own proposed solution I am just gunna stick with my original opinion, it’s bad. And unfortunately that means our time today has come to an end. I will give you the last word though. Make it a good one.

I’ll consider that box checked.

You’re the goofiest goober. I’m soloing this raid right now, 4 bosses in. Your attempt to force me into a scenario where you can harass me isn’t going to work. But that was an intentional play on your part, because you know I’m right. You’re too lazy to solo it, and you’re unable to convince a single other person to clear a normal level raid from last expansion to RP in.

Thanks for that last word, you really played yourself.

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