To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

No I have every classed level for that reason. And before you start with well lvl 4 of each class then the game does not allow that many toons for you to do so

#CovenantsAreFactions #KeepCovenants #PlayerChoiceShouldMatter #MinMaxerToTheMaw #AllianceToTheMaw #Baine&ThrallAreTraitors


But what about us who have demonotized platforms? Also like preach and asmon see views do not = money on youtube in any way shape or form that entire arguement is flawed

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Today I learned that large content creators are the only people in the playerbase capable of forming their own opinions on the game.


I think Covenants are a test to see if players really do want their choices to matter.

If you look back at the choice to side with Sylvanas or side with Saurfang, there was a lot of discontent that said choice didn’t matter in the end. WoW isn’t like Dragon Age or other single-player games, that can have players’ decisions affect the outcome, or even story arcs (thinking of the DA romances). What WoW can introduce are choices that affect players’ gameplay mechanics.

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This is exactly what nobody wanted. All the feedback in advance said the borrowed power systems were bad.

Raid finder is as easy as M0. Makes sense.

What was stopping you? Too busy min/maxing? If seeing the sights and smelling the Zin’athid was what you wanted to do, you could’ve.

I think a lot of them do, but the issue is that the choices needs to make sense and not have subjective consequences based on the type of player and their chosen content.

First I want to say, the fact that it can doesn’t mean it should. However, I don’t think it’s necessarily bad to have choices affecting the gameplay, I just think they should be separate from the story. I think packing gameplay mechanics with RP and character identity is a terrible idea. Make them two separate choices that both matter in their own way and suddenly you have a far diverse spectrum of options, instead of one big bulky package of everythnig mixed together with no choices further down the line.

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Maybe try just memorizing this:

“I enjoy X covenant and won’t be switching.”

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I think players want story choices to matter. The problem is tying power into it. If covenants were just lore, RP, mog, mounts, etc. Most people wouldn’t have complained about them being permanent.

Outside of your ego, I’ve yet to see one good argument as to why they should not be locked.

whats pulltheripcord?
Here you go. Also, disagreeing with an argument doesn’t make it a bad argument.

Yeah, consequences for choices are hard… everything should be as easy as possible. Personally, I am still holding out for a 1 button dps rotation class. That is when WoW will really shine.

Let’s see:
Fun, that would be the first and really best reason. Freedom of choice lets people play however they want. If they want to follow “the meta” then why should they be punished for it? I’d like to use different covenants abilities in the open world then switch for dungeons or raids. That’s fun. Restriction is not.

Now why are you for locking them again?
Is it:
A. Spite
B. Your feelings
C. You think it’ll stick it to the top players of this game


D: meAnInGful ChoICe


Heaven forbid lol :smiley:

Let me ask you… Say a new world war breaks out… And it’s like America vs China… you’re sided with one side and the other side has a better weapon you’d like to use more. Do you really think the other side would willingly let you use their weapon against them? No… When you pick a covenant then you get their weapons and abilities… why would the other covenants teach you their spells to use against them? That’s idiotic. Complaining about not letting you use the others is the samething as complaining the other countries don’t teach everyone their secrets.

What about it is meaningful though? In the story we will go help the others so its not like we are at war, we even get the powers while lvling.

The covenants aren’t at war though.

You mean a thread based around FEAR? The entire discussion and the movement itself is based all around either fear or greed, both being emotions. Emotions are ego, so again, give me a good argument not based on emotions. Every system has at least one flaw, there is no getting around that.

Every single paragraph in that entire discussion is an ego or fear related topic. Either an ego one based around your feelings or it is fear, again based off of feelings. Feelings are NOT logical and always subjective to the person.