The covenants aren’t at war with each other though. Your example just crumbles once you know this.
Of course, it would impact me. I will have to change covenants all the time depending on what activities I will be doing…
Fun is subjective and feelings based. Not a logical argument there, as what’s fun for you might not be fun for me. So, again, stop trying with this feelings bs. I don’t care about your feelings. I care about your logic. This is blizzard’s game, not yours, and their logic is what dictates how we play this game. Their vision, not yours. No, you pay for a game, not pay to control the game. Get over that ego.
I am a customer too, and I will tell you right to your face, no you don’t deserve better service than any other customer who pays to play this game, regardless of your standings.
How about because it’s what they wanted to do. How about it’s because it’s what I want them to do. If you cannot accept this, then quit the game for the expansion and come back next expansion.
This argument can be used to support practically anything that increases player choice. Personally, I am not even sure we needed unpruning of abilities. I have enough key binds already. Having to switch Covenant abilities before every encounter is an extra level of complexity that I don’t thing this game needs.
Bro step away for a minute. You are getting way to worked up over this.
Why can’t I change my race and class freely and name too? Why can’t I level to 200 while everyone else is 60? I dunno man it’s just the way it is.
Not worked up though. I’m telling people to stop using fear thinking it’s a logical argument for an argument. It’s not logical. I said give me a reason that isn’t based on feelings like fear or ego, and people cannot do that because the entire movement is based off of fear and ego.
But so is the anti rip cord movement. Fear of being made to change covenants or abilities or soulbinds. And its even a ego thing for others because they want to stick it to min maxers. Personally i just want powers and possibly soulbinds made separate from the covenants themselves but everyone has there own opinion.
I never said it wasn’t. It’s also not on the anti people to prove anything, it’s on the pulltheripcord people to prove everything. Blizzard is the one for the system, so are the antis, it’s YOU guys who want this change, so it’s YOU who have to prove this. The burden of proof lies on the pulltheripcord people and your logic so far is null. It’s entirely based out of fear or ego, which for most arguments is not a winner, at all. Yeah, you could walk away sure, but that’s the worst the players can do and they can just get more people back for every person who walks away.
So you could just easily swap to a “fun for you” covenant and stick with it.
And I don’t care about yours either.
Then you don’t care about my logic and you go straight to the appeal to authority. Good job.
This has nothing to do with what we’re talking about but ok.
Appeal to authority because you do not have one single logical argument for locking covenants. It’s the equivalent of a child saying “NENER NENER YOU HAVE TO DO IT THIS WAY BECAUSE MOM SAID SO”
I gave you a logical argument and you flat out ignored it.
Sure, you could literally turn this entire movement into that. Yes, you have to have logic and proof. You haven’t shown either lol. Like I said, it’s not on the anti to prove or do anything, this is what blizz themselves want. It’s going to happen.
No, you gave me a long post that was not only not yours, but also the each paragraph 's WHY is based off an ego centric idea or it’s based out of fear. Not a logical argument nor what I asked. I asked for something not based on emotions.
Yes its what blizzard wants but there is also logic behind the rip cord. Blizzard has never achieved balance. Not once in its entire life. Normally its not a problem because if you are cutting edge where every 1dps matters you knew before you even started what you where doing. But what about people like me? I main enh which has never been top of the charts but I love the lore behind shaman. Just like I love the lore of the necrolords, or at the very least what little we have so far, and I want to choose them but if that covenants ability is a bigger loss than another I cant afford to miss that dps as a enh. Sure its a emotional argument but we are humans. No such thing as a nonemotional argument.
Who’s gonna make you if you don’t want to?
Every argument opposed to pulling the ripcord is exclusively based on emotions. Pulling the ripcord wouldn’t affect the gameplay of anyone who is opposed to it, except how they would “feel” about it.
So unless you can provide an ACTUAL argument that is not based on emotion, stop being a hypocrite.
Based on choices. More choices = better gameplay. You have nothing to counter that.
I will have to if it makes a game performance problem for me. I mean I change talents for the same reason.
Blizzard makes me do it.
Good old slippery slope, always a pleasure to see you again!
False. There’s a reason judges usually tell their jury to discard emotional arguments without proof. You have to prove to blizzard why this matters and you’re not going to do it with just fear and ego. They don’t actually care about your feelings or they would have changed long ago. It’s a business at the end of the day.