To the people that play wow alone

This is 100% why I stopped raiding. I play videogames to relax, not be bossed around and have schedules like it’s a second job. Solo play for me has worked fine the past 3 expansions.

I had a lot of RL friends that play but they’ve mostly all moved on since the quality of the game went down the toilet.

I personally have fun now and then doing transmog runs, checking things off my bucket list, etc. There are some fun things still left in the game and it would be more fun if they’d remove some of the coffin nail items like raider io and gated content.

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Apparently, u missed the point here about why people don’t like being forced to do group content for “better” gear, as you call it.

The majority of players are not endgame hardcore, like you seem to be and want to force others to be.

And players have become so hateful and toxic toward one another due to unnecessary stress in a game that is suppose to enjoyable, NOT WORK.

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I play solo inless i have no choose lfr ext ext ext.Oh that is simple i enjoy the content i do alone nothing much to it really but i don’t mind group here and there sometimes either.

The events that give normal and heroic ilvl raid loot still exist so far not looking like your getting your wish yet.

That’s fine those people also don’t need to keep demanding endgame level gear for the solo content they don’t need it for then :^)

This pretty much sums up most ways people think of the mmo as a single player.

Short answer, Yes.

I dont have anyone to play this game with, so yeah. i like this world, the characters, and am comfortable with the mechanics, hence why i stick with it instead of going to a single player game.

just because i dont do a lot of group content doesnt mean i dont like seeing other players online. kinda like i dont want to talk to anyone but it would be creepy af not to see anyone outside if i left my house.

imo if there were more open world elite areas where tons of people were working toward the same goal (like w-bosses but without needing to be grouped or simply autogrouped) i would live there.

I pug/play alone. Meet a lot of nice people that way! I even found a community to regularly raid with through pugging! :slight_smile:

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how many hours of gameplay you get from these $60 games vs 4 months of WoW.

Were talking about shadowlands gearing so I wouldn’t expect changes yet

Seeing you its all ready like this. I dont see non-group players with any good gear.

This is also something that hasn’t changed for 4 years now i doubt it will be changed.Not to mention 1 loot for 4 dungeon is kind of a wack reward random as well yeah not seeing this go away at all.

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They wouldn’t if hardcore endgamers stopped shoving their supposed superiority in others’ faces.


I solo because I can come and go as I please, play what I want when I want, and don’t have to deal with virtual schedules and responsibilities. This also helps to keep the game peripheral in my life. Lastly, I was never one to “get into” someone else’s stuff, because I have no real control over it.

I need the gear to do last exec’s dungeons and hopefully raids. I don’t wanna wait 4 years to do old content. 2 year wait should be enough

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Hardcore endgame players are the only ones who deserve top Gear, you should feel envy when you see them in their amazing sets in hub cities like back when WoW was in its golden age. Lucky they already hinted at going back to something not as severe as this so I’ll take it. You don’t need high gear for solo content.

? Mythic raiders arnt out geared by solo players what are you talking about.

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I’m talking about heroic gear also, solo players dont need that.

LOL! It isn’t envy I feel. It is disgust at such arrogant attitudes like yours.