To the people that play wow alone

I mostly solo now. But I’ll do group if it’s for something I really want; dark iron dwarves, class mounts in Legion, that kind of thing. I mostly have a good experience, especially lately. But when I first started in ~ tbc I had some terrible experiences in group.
I was in a couple of guilds, one the kind that had thousands of member but one was ever online! One other guy and I did stuff together. He was a nice person and I wish I had kept in contact with him. One guild - the chat was a cesspool and that’s all they did - chat, ugh. And one was wonderful until that one person joined who was a turd stirrer and strife conduit. I loved my GM, a truly nice guy, but he was demoted And I couldn’t get over it.
So just me, myself and I! Yay.

Your complaining about 3rd to 2nd best gear at best here really?

Eh, I don’t fully agree. Hardcore endgame players may only deserve top gear… first, not exclusively. Good gear should not be exclusively for people who have no life. That makes little sense.


As long as you feel something I couldn’t care less. Good gear for good players is how it should be.

As an elderly player I’m so with you on this. No longer have the reflexes for competitive content and my learning new things remains good but not as quickly as it once was. Is it sad that I use the turtle match game as a short term memory reality check? So far so good. LOL.


Heroic gear isnt hardcore endgame tho. You logic around everything makes no sense cuz its not happening.


And it is look at mythic raiders.

Finding things enjoyable is an entirely subjective experience.

Someone like me who avoids interacting with other humans at all costs is more likely to enjoy doing everything solo.

Others enjoy having someone to talk to but they don’t mind doing things alone.

Someone who drains and feeds off the energy of others is going to hate going alone.

Everyone is different.


Doesn’t matter the max level gear solo players should get is LFR rated, they do not need and don’t deserve anything else unless they earn it in group content.

I mostly just enjoy the quests and do some RP. Sometimes I’ll RP quests even if I’m by myself. I get very nervous in non-LFD/LFR groups because I can’t handle the anxiety of being expected to know all the fights and stuff in advance. I can read strats or watch videos, but I lack the attention span to absorb the information. I only learn by doing.

In general, I enjoy the game as an RPG and I never get tired of questing, leveling, or mount/mog/pet farming.


? You dont do any content and have no toon at a high ilv so its like this all ready.

Heroic gear is garbage compared to mythic. I don’t see the issue.

Good let’s keep it that way in shadowlands.

Then why are you crying on something that is all ready in the game.

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I’m just making sure the people here know that solo players shouldn’t expect more than the bare minimum in terms of gearing. Don’t like it find another game that isn’t an MMO :^)

And they dont? No solo player thinks they will have mythic raid gear at all.

I’ve never understood why people with no authority try to decide who “deserves” things.

It does not affect you what other people have.

Is better stuff necessary to do the content solo players do? Nope, not at all. But it is fun for us to get random upgrades (not even BiS). That helps to keep players in the game because it’s another carrot tied to the stick that is an MMO.

And without us low-life useless casual and solo players, my dear, this game would die.


Translation: I am simply here to try and agitate people for the sake of it.
Literally what you’re attempting to do here.


Elitist attitudes like yours is what is driving most casual players away from WoW.

You are the problem, not the solution.


Funny you say that the events are in group content timewalking and bfa dungeon events so not sure what your going on about those aren’t solo at all sir?