To the people that play wow alone

Not right now, no. I still haven’t even touched any 8.3 content on any of my max levels. I run old content for cosmetics, or level alts. My sub runs out tonight but I’m debating re-upping just to finish this lightforged alt for the heritage armor, and maybe run some Legion raids.

I sometimes play alone because I want to be alone but I love doing things with the guild.

It’s a choice for some it’s not a choice for others.

I first played WoW during Wrath and then left for seven years because I had mostly negative experiences with other players while I was trying to learn the game. I only came back in the middle of Legion when I heard that solo play was now viable for most content.

I’ve been enjoying WoW a lot more this way. I still queue up for heroic dungeons or LFR if I need to progress in a quest line or achievement, but I find them the least fun things to do. There are some friendly people in this game, but the abrasive part of the community hasn’t changed much all these years.


I’ve noticed a lot of the replies boil down to social expectations and lack of freedom , which i can certainly agree with , also mosts of the game content can be done solo which is a big factor . Do you believe raiding and m+ can be done in such a way where peole don’t feel pressured ?

No. lol I just log on to check the mission table, and if there’s a WQ objective that grants the 2k gold, I do them. If not, I log off and call it a day.

Playing with ppl was what kept me coming back every day and playing for longer than 30 minutes. Now I’m not even in a guild, despite what it says next to my name(have tried logging out of my account and back in multiple times to clear/update it, but the Armory is slow on Sundays I guess /shrug not that I had ppl to play with when I was in the guild…lolol)

I spend more time playing Mahjong on my phone now that I do playing WoW. /shrug

Is what it is.



Unreal Tournament FTW

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Yes i find the game enjoyable. It isn’t perfect. But good enough

I like and enjoy world quest. I lile to dly a ross the zones or even walk on them using ground mounrs, i lime colelct transmog, and a few regular mythics dungeon.

I want to play with people but here are some problems I face,

  • I have added lots of people on my friends list when I enjoyed playing with them but I never ever saw them online again.
  • I joined many guilds but couldn’t form connections/friendships with them due to Timezone conflicts.

So far, all my efforts on building connections with people failed due to these two problems.

But voluntarily put yourself on internet forums?

I have a similar problem , half of my friend list is dead , and when i asked guildies to do things like m+ nobody responded ,

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I am part of so many M+ communities, I post ad for mythic + and no one ever replies.

well since i play mostly for myself i’d say its a little less fun than skyrim but can’t compete with being able to build my own for the most part/


Because I like to do what I want, when I want, and how I want it.

Hopefully going forward Blizzard learned to not make it possible for solo players be almost as geared as group players. They should be significantly lower to the point where they have enough gear awarded to do the solo world content and reserve the better gear for earning it via grouping.

I haven’t done endgame content in years. I created a new account for the purpose of starting over and leaving my old connections behind after guild issues that left WoW and entered the real world.

You can keep your gear and forced “community.” No thanks.


Good that you can agree with me on this as I said no single players should have need of any good gear and the fact they finally removed warforge and titanforge means they also agree at Blizzard.

If I see you out there in the world, I’ll /hug you.

But I am alliance there, but I will do regardless.

the last time i really played with any friends was in Wrath. I have yet to really find a group of people to play with since then. it is ok sometimes because i tend to go semi afk a lot, but other times its kind of a drag because i would much prefer to do things with friends. cant have it all i guess lol

Yeah I find it enjoyable. I like that I can log on pretty much whenever and do something fun like run a quick M+ or two, or go do some BGs or random arena, and still have fun within a small amount of time.

If anything, I can’t play WoW for too long in a stretch because the things I like to do, I like doing in short bursts. This is why I don’t enjoy full raids. I can clear a wing and have fun doing so, but to go on for another 2 hours straight, blech.

WoW’s fun is reliable, choice-driven fun, which is precisely what I like in a game.