To the few that want Cata, are you ACTUALLY excited for Cata or are you not ready to give up on your chars?

At what point do they stop releasing these old versions of the game rofl

Thought the original intent was go to back to the first 3 expansions due to the mmorpg/social elements. Along with completely different feeling/designs than retail

At what point do you just… play retail? Like what does MoP have that retail doesn’t have an already improved and better version of…?

I think the original intent was to just do vanilla. But when it was successful beyond anyone’s wildest expectations anyone with half a brain knew that classic expansions would be released until one was a massive failure. That one could be cata, or WoD, or BfA, or who knows. As long as an expansion continues to be profitable blizzard will release the next one.

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Class design, content relevancy, an endgame not bloated with “stuff” to keep you playing because you “have” to, not because you want to. Just for starters

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There are 2 groups of players

One who wants only the original game Classic and such

And another group that wants to relive old favorite expansions. Since the current ones blow chunks hard.

Its possible you could just rename the ones that are going to later expansions Progressions servers and they progress one expansion each year or so.

They are both valid wants By the way.

Probably the best raids , Wow ever had, LFR at its best, Flex at its best.

DF LFR blows more chunks than a DK gibbing everything in sight.

They’ll never be massive failures. They front load the profits by selling Deluxe Editions.

Then they sell boosts, server transfers, tokens, etc. All in a game that’s already been made. Classic is just a means to milk players in a game where all the development has already been done.

Doesn’t matter, all games are the same to me. I’ve never liked any game 100%. I weigh the good and the bad and if the good out weighs the bad I continue playing. I quit during BfA, just couldn’t get through it. I came back for classic but quit that when they told us no rdf. So now I’m back. A lot of the things I don’t like about classic changes I can ignore so far. We’ll see how long that lasts.

Heroics were way way too hard. The raids were meh, it had the biggest drop in players of any MMO in history.

It was just bad, the only good thing about Cata Classic is MOP classic has to be next!

Cata is just for the mobile gaming generation. Old school EQ and WoW Classic gamers are diminishing in population and mostly take care of families and run businesses. With that said, Cata will be successful because most that think they’re gamers now need everything handed to them expediently and Cata provides.

A shame they can’t add 1 TBC and 1 WotLK server, hell if only for archival reference.

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Excited for cata and the continued existence of my character

0/10, do better

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Yep, I’m excited for Cataclysm. I made my characters on Classic Wrath with full knowledge that there was always the possibility that things would progress into Cataclysm. If anything, I counted on it. After riding on the high that was original Wrath, I disregarded Cata with utter disdain despite never truly giving it a chance back in 2010. As a matter of fact, I quit a few months before its launch since I was simply not interested. But I was young, ignorant, self-centered, and a very different player 13 years ago.

I don’t think Cata is “just a early/bad version of retail” at all. While I didn’t do anything meaningful when I resubbed at the beginning of Dragon Soul, I at least played it, and it felt nothing like retail does today. The comparison isn’t even close… In fact, it’s a lot closer to Wrath than most would like or dare to admit. You can draw the line at Cata if you want, but I’ll draw mine at WoD/Legion. Oh you know, just the expansion line that featured tons of ability pruning, the stat squish, removal of many old stats like Spirit/Hit/Expertise, rebranding old Heroic as Mythic, flex raiding, Mythic dungeons (and Legion’s Mythic+), Pathfinder to fly, updated models and animations, reduced usage of gems/enchants/glyphs (and most of their removal in Legion), among other things…

So why bother playing Cata if it’s “like retail?” It’s simple. I never gave the expansion the time of day, so naturally, I never did any of its raids or delved into RBGs. That’s reason enough for me to give it a spin. It’s just that, everything I’m doing in Wrath Classic is stuff I already did 13-15 years ago; it’d only be different if I killed Heroic Putricide/Sindy/LK on 25, but even then, I don’t really care if I do or don’t by the time Cata Classic hits. And if MoP Classic is next in line, then that’s all the more reason for me to stick with it, because that is the expansion I had a lot of fun playing in aside from TBC.

(This character is actually level 80, not 27. Silly forums.)

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That is clearly false, Cataclysm did keep 10 and of the 12 millions subs it had during WOTLK at the end of the expansion, an actual BIG drop in players is WoD it went from 10 millions to 5 millions in like a single year.

The fact Cataclysm did not lose more subs prove it wasn’t as bad as people think, even in WOTLK the subs kind of peak and stagnated a drop was inevitable eventually since at that time other good MMO came out like SWTOR and the original FFXIV, WoW no longer was the only (Good) MMO.

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Man, people really do just say the wildest things without taking 10 seconds to simply Google it.

As far as the disaster that was WoD…I’ll say for me I didn’t even buy it until they added flying back (little did I know they’d have the terrible Pathfinder system). Removing it angered a lot of players. Garrisons held zero interest for me. I don’t play an mmorpg to sit in a single player instance. Mythic dungeons was the end of max level content for me. The story seemed dumb. I’ve never liked parallel timelines or things like that. It’s lazy storytelling.

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I’m all for Cata Classic. That being said, i don’t understand why they don’t keep a Wrath server for those who want to stay in Wrath, or even TBC. Hell make hardcore versions of them as well, even if its one dedicated server. More options, more players, more money. Simple.

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at sucking.

Cata classes are better, which is the case as expansions go on. Without DS dragging on and some new features cata will be fine


I don’t think anyone doubts the numbers, but no one really knows the exact reason for those numbers, despite what people claim. I cancelled my account in the middle of original Wrath, so I guess that meant I hated Wrath? Not at all, just wanted a break at that point.


We actually have a pretty good idea at this point based on former Dev conversations but it is true it wasn’t one single thing. Still doesn’t change the fact that for the first time in the games history they were losing more players than they were gaining.

Also at no point did I say that anyone hated anything. My wife for instance quit in Cata because she just got burnt out. That said nothing they did after that really was able to keep her around much more than about a month until TBC Classic came out. She plays more than I do now.

Classic ended the day TBC launched. Not sure what you are talking about “it flew by” it’s been over for years.

Cata is fun. Cata brought us more then just raiding. MOP is even better.

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