To the few that want Cata, are you ACTUALLY excited for Cata or are you not ready to give up on your chars?

i can describe worse issue about wrath and then i can call it trash but that won’t the fact that cata > wrath since both have too many flaws anyway.

I was excited about cata. Until I found out the wrath classic option was going in the dumpster. Why can’t we get both.

If they don’t put in the modern dynamic scaling 10-30 player lockout system, I likely won’t even consider playing. I don’t want to deal with the guild destroying 10/25 player raid choice that killed my original WoTLK guild.

Yea you dont see anyone asking for MOP. That one had all the silly cinematics copied straight out f Kung Fu Panda. And that is the expac that really gutted the talent trees.

But Cata will for sure lead onto MOP just as Wrath went into Cata.

You know the REAL reason Blizz is deleting all Wrath servers? Cuz they know the majority would stick on them and would not move on to Cata.

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As it stands. I have one toon in a really good guild, my other toons are not as good and so are not allowed to join it. They dont want an army of crappy alts in there, no matter how good your main is. The players such as yourself and me on my main only, will have 0 problem with getting our guild up to level 25 and then doing good from there. But as for the other players…they may find that part of the guild leveling system a little bit terrible.

Battle pets. I do it lots and like it. I just dont like how they changed many of them to look cartoony. They should leave some of the original pets in game this time around and not have them turned into battlepets. Also, Baby Blizzard bear used to have a bleed effect. It doesnt any longer and that one came in with Wrath. This Wrath gave no such cool pet but we did get the penguin thing that is like Mr Chilly from regular WoW. I got all the CE versions of the pets. So in Cata I will have my dragon pet there too. I think. I got some pet from Cata. Cant remember what.

Cata is not terrible. But I have little faith that the current team is going to give us the Cata we all remembered from back in the day. I am one of the few people on the planet who really liked WoD. Then SL, then Legion. DF I had the beta for. Lots changed from DF beta into now. So many nerfs to the Evokers and to dragon riding.

Things going forward? I’ll stick to SOD which is basically Ascension mixed with SOM. No Cata, no retail. Only SOD. So. I’ll still be subbed.

Cata also will not beat Wrath Classic. The Classics are getting less players as they launch more of them.

If you were a boomkin druid or a fire mage, then it was S+ tier for you all day everyday in Cata PvP. Me doing my RBGs to a high rating on my war… I had to have a pocket heals for a lot of it. FC on RBG was fun but still. I have 0 warriors in Wrath now.

Sub rogues in Cata leet. Hunters with the added focus and pets that no longer run away, no happiness levels on them, no ammo. This version of Cata will likely play on a costum balance patch of 4.4 though just as how Wrath is now on a custom balance patch. Old Wrath. ret paladins were total god mode. But this current dev team HATES paladins so of course they made paladins suck in this version of Wrath. You say they were great in Wrath Classic? Old version they were 10x better.

I enjoyed Cataclysm when it was current.

For me, classic eras ended with Wrath. I will play retail and give Classic plus C+ seasons a go. But I’m done with the ‘classics’ train after Wrath era.

I wish they would add a Chromie time-walking option to toggle the OG game world and vanilla quests in original Azeroth into retail for 1-60 level option.

Between Classic plus and Retail, with the Cata Classic option for others, seems like plenty. Would just like the option to run around in OG game world in retail WoW as well.

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Completely agree! I thought about doing Loremaster, but saved it instead to do in Cata for this very reason.

Yeah about that… Looking for Raid, Guild Perks (this absolutely totally destroyed what guilds stood for and why being in a guild made the game better - for most people), destroyed world and the same cities since, talent tree dumb down, class homogenization, further content sharding, and the list goes on and on. Cata is very much like current retail.

Na. They are just going to have load of Wrath private servers popping up again. Watch how many people are going to ask for Wrath severs to come back as soon as Cata drops. No one asked for TBC to come back. Lots will for Wrath.

I’ve seen many people asking for MoP. Some claim it was their favorite expansion. I think you just don’t pay much attention to what people post here

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I’m excited because I never played Cata during it’s original release.

I’m excited, and will likely be rolling a new main, so “not ready to give up on your chars” really doesn’t apply. Cata was a good expansion, hell, PvE wise even WoD was a good expansions. Blizz is good at making fun dungeons and raids. I’ll gladly play everything up through Legion so long as there’s no major content droughts.

And in the annoucement she literally said cata with changes. H+ is the first change. The video they showed was totally different from the original i expect the sundering not as bad.

And they said phases would come out faster.

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Yeah and wrath arena is horrible as well, look how dead it is. Now imagine what cata is gonna be like rofl.

I understand this because its been over a decade and memories are foggy. But trust me… cata doesnt feel like Dragonflight. MoP doesnt feel like Dragonflight. Neither does WoD.

Only Legion, and everything after Legion, feels like Dragonflight. The game changes so much in Legion that it doesnt even feel like WoW anymore. Don’t blame cata for Legion’s faults.

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Let me know when I can return to the OG vanilla game world in retail.

Era is there for you right now, and it isn’t going anywhere. Have a nice time!

It doesn’t really matter but the DS drought was a lot shorter than the ICC drought.

I wasn’t excited at first - at all - but I think the cadence and transmog changes are enough to keep me playing some prog. It means we won’t be waiting long for MoP so I’d like to keep up for that!

I didnt like Cata, but Mop was probably the second best expansion they ever did.