To the few that want Cata, are you ACTUALLY excited for Cata or are you not ready to give up on your chars?

Congratulations on beating… WoD?


You are such a liar. Subs did NOT die off in ICC. Subs in Catacylsm started dipping BEFORE DS. How is it possible that you’re so smug about “context” and “understanding” despite being inarguably, objectively factually incorrect on both of your claims?

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Cata was almost the expansion with most subscribers on release. What do you have to say about that? (Wasn’t necessarily referred to you Berry)
The issue with that graph is that you need context. You can’t just simply look at data and conclude. (Statistics basics btw)

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I truly feel like I will have no motivation to even play wow or give money to blizzard anymore if they don’t have permanent wrath classic servers as an option in the future.

I loved cataclysm classic back in the day. And I want it now again to. But wrath will always be my all time favorite version of the game. And I think that blizzard removing options from the game, such as removing wrath classic when cataclysm comes out. Will drive alot of people away. And cataclysm classic is not even remotely the same as wrath classic was. Like at all. Although cataclysm classic was still really good. There are alot of charms that get taken away when cataclysm classic comes out.

I mean, old dungeons, the old overworld. Etc. You name it. Alot of that stuff is all going away in cata classic. I am just asking for a permanent wrath era server option.

It did stop growing subs in wrath during ICC though. They kept a steady sub rate all the way through wrath. But they didn’t gain any subs either. And then lost them later on in cata.

Wouldnt that mean that the “change” was during ICC?

That’s not true. They grew throughout Wrath and even into Cata. Then started to decline.

WoW hit 12 million subs for the first time in October 2010. Nearly a full year after ICC was released.

I enjoyed Cata. The only part of I didn’t like was the veeeeery beginning because I had to learn how to heal again since they did a massive shift in the healing styles of the classes. But, once I got used to that, I actually thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought Firelands and DS were great raids. The ZA and ZG dungeons and the DS dungeons were all fun to do. It brought some of the foundations for modern day conveniences that I’ve missed while playing classic (like tmog).

I never understood the hate, other than it was wildly different from its predecessors. But I also thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I just didn’t like that they deleted everything from the old overworld completely from the game. Wrath of the lich king classic scratches that itch, as well as the old overworld still being intact. But I never understood why 90 percent of the game had to be deleted in order to make way for another new 90 percent replacement of the game.

I mean, we lost alot of stuff, and wrath classic, has all of that forgotten stuff. Old overworld, ammo, class dynamics. You name it. Not that cataclysm was bad, but I am asking for wrath classic servers as a permanent option.

I just have no reason to play anymore if blizzard won’t allow me to be able to play the way I want to play. And not having the wrath classic client.

And yes for people who are going to comment. But there is classic servers. You can click it in the box. So. I want wrath classic as a permanent option. Not the original classic wow. Although that does exist for those who want it.

Heck, I think permanent bc classic server options should exist to. This company and community just perplex me. How hard is it to reach some sort of middle ground, so everyone is satisfied. Have a pve, pvp, server for both bc classic and wrath classic to start. And maybe like 1 rp server for both later on.

I am asking blizzard to do this nicely. And After not getting it after a while. I will probably cancel sub, and maybe give money to a company who respects my time and interests more, and has more variety in their options. People are sick of playing this game with blizzard, myself included. This you think you do, but you don’t bullcorn. Trust me. I know exactly what I want. They can even put a price tag on it. For each toon you copy over to any given permanent wrath classic server, charge me 60 bucks per boost, about the same as a boosted toon anyways. And keep all the other transfer, and boosting services open to for a price as well.

But hey, business is business. And if they don’t want my or alot of other players money anymore. Then I guess they don’t need it then. Farewell.

It destroys the classic world. And wrecks the talents, removes lots of the old class quests.
Ruined all spell ranks and ability ranks. Ruined class trainers. Added in BG titles that are the exact same as the ones we already got on many of our toons from level 60 WoW, removed multiple Classic mounts.

Gave hunters focus which was super unbalanced when Cata first launched and it was so bad that most hunters had 0 focus most of the time in combat and couldnt cast anything until it was fixed.

Changed appearances of pets and made them battlepets. And then they added guild levels. You’re not in a level 25 mid Cata? Then you’re going to hate it.

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Cata is a means to an end for me.

MoP waiting room. And then I’m hanging up my WoW hat for good.

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Wrath era I consider a special place akin to Classic era. I have no interest post-Wrath. Fine for those who want Cata. I want no part in ‘reliving’ Cataclysm. I am hoping they offer Wrath era realms. Should they force Cataclysm, perhaps this is what they want? Smaller population to dwindle and kill off classic? If that’s the goal it’s going to work magnificently. If not, offer Wrath era. Should my characters end up in Cataclysm, I am deleting them. Simple as that. I will not relive Cata. Once was enough.

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you have several gaming articles even questioning this and are saying many players don’t want to go into cata because it ends “classic” but you’ll have ppl gaslight everyone to say yeah we asked lol. its about that time the trolls come out every time something hot you see bloom and he’s doin his rounds lol

I would be excited for cataclysm classic if they would give us the option for permanent wrath realms to. As of now, I am not really all that excited for anything world of warcraft or blizzard related.

I had played WoW since 2005. Wrath was the first Xpac I had max level toons. I dabbled in PvP then starting with Wintergrasp, BG’s and a few arenas.

But Cata PvP was the absolute pinnacle for me. Arenas were a blast and the introduction of RBG’s and the gearing system just made it incredibly fun. Tol Barad was an even better PvP zone than WG imo.

I know many people hopped on the Cata hate bandwagon and justify it by continuously stating the low subscriber count vs Wrath, but a lot of that had to do with the fact that many OG players were burnt out after 2 xpacs and just weren’t interested in playing another. Most people hadn’t unsubbed and taken a break since Vanilla, so this was their chance. I knew plenty of people who did it.

Personally, I’m excited to play Cata Classic and see how well it will hold up for me.

It grew until the launch of Cata where it hit its peak, but it started dropping off quickly shortly after Cata launched. That’s not speculation, that’s not remembering wrong, that’s from the actual numbers that Blizzard themselves put into the public domain.

Sub numbers turned the corner with Cata though, it was the first time they had actually seen a decline.

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I said it before classic was even a thing… Blizzard should always keep 1-2 servers active frozen for that expansion. That way we can always go back and play our toons in the older content without having to deal with the atrocious scaling deformities that retail has now in old content, doubly so with everything having changed with Cata.

I fully support them making a wrath era server for those that want it.

I didn’t really like Cataclysm. All the places are thrown around the map. Underwater is bleh. Dragon Soul is roll this way roll that way, oh no we all died…AHHH…

Cata is at best like a 7-8, if changed correctly. And yes I’d play; though not nearly as much. Regardless Wrath era needs to happen or they alienate a lot of people for no reason.

cata was good expansions! only people who did quit because they failed to play it think the otherwise.

and the title [give up on your chars?]
your character will live…and you can play it in next expansion with better balance changes :slight_smile:

current players in wrath already afk in town to level through rdf…cata cata won’t change this fact.

same can be said for current wrath dungeons, if not the ++ dungeons in wrath classic would be dead

do people do raid for the environment or music? because all wow raids in past 20years feels like arcade game with same patterns anyway

do u see people in wrath ever going back to the classic world? Nothing happening in there no one even go to there, and tbh deathwing flying over azeroth made some maps looks more cooler

you mean they fixed the abuses of ranks which was hilarious and should have been fixed in 2007 during tbc

if u got those then good for you but they were added for people who missed them, if u dislike others getting what u have then you need to seek help.

nothing about vanilla/tbc/wrath is balanced when it come to classes…those hunters who couldn’t adapt to new system and play with it should not even play the class they can’t learn how to play.

battle pet is just a mini game you can enjoy it or avoid it…it’s lovely but anyway there is no way you won’t be in max lvl guild by couple of weeks unless your guild never log :sa:

despite the history which doesn’t have same conditions at all to be compared now but for sure Cata classic will beat wrath classic.

very true, cata pvp & pve was way better than wrath…people who did quit did quit before even giving cata a try and nowadays many players just show hate toward cata because they saw others showing hate…and it’s funny when they hate something they never played.

Cata pvp was horrendous, it had the same problem as wrath, broken pve gear, RLS, rogue/hunter comps, wizards with leggo staff…

Cata was so trash. Rogue and prep with bomb. First bomb for trinkets. Second bomb for kills. Next season you had casters with the legendary. Fire, Boomi, and Affliction became literal gods. Final season rogue with legendaries just destroyed everything. Up until this expansion, they were the highest repped class above 2.2 at 20%+. Ret finally took that top spot this expansion.

In 3s above 2.2. 20% were rogues, 17% were locks, and 17% were resto sham. Every third game was rls. Warrior, dk, and ret all had a 2-3% rep each.

RBGs were the only redeeming thing. NOT that they were balanced, but all the PvE items from Dragon Soul made the game hilarious. Cunning of the Cruel was beyond busted. I can’t find it now, but there was a taking trinket boomkins were running that proc’ed 3000 mastery. With sunfire and cds, entire groups would melt. Assuming the fire mage didn’t spread a combust on everything first. It was hilarious how bad it was, but at least it was fun.

But yea, cata was trash.