The win-loos ratios with CR has always been atrocious to me, people defend it by saying “oh well it’s because your too high bracket wise”. When the truth is either the opposing team had more luck with procs and crits, or they were smurfing, or you just had a bad game and got heavy handedly punished for that.
Thanks for the honesty haha.
People are always finding ways to cheat in high ranked pvp. Nerds will be nerds.
Oh those purist idiots are hopeless.
My friends and family that were into PVP all play other games now-- : ( They sub for a WOW expansion- check out the new PVP- and leave.
All have jobs, kids and hobbies. They play PVP centric games where they can hop on- play for a couple hours and be competitive. LOL and Overwatch
( even now) are where they have fun without a stat grind.
Stealing this line- genius!
I was really into rated RBGs in Shadowlands. Really work and stretch myself thin trying to hit 1800 with my nieces and nephews. Always wondered why it was so hard until I finally hit 1800 at the end of season, which honestly only happened because majority of players had quit the game, including my fam. And these gladiators are more than willing to help carry casuals to 1800 at end of season just so they stay around for the new season. It’s bait.
After hitting 1800, I was picked to fill in spots for teams I often fought against that were really good. It was getting weird in some games because I would see how they play and wondered why the team would just give up so easily when it could be turned around. There were games that leaders would just get mad over something very little in the first 5 minutes into the game and /AFK out. Sometimes, main team players would argue over some random teammate and purposely /AFK out just to screw random teammate over. These are just some strategies these leaders use to do a win/trade, pretending and putting blame on a casual/solo player.
It was then that I realize a lot of the players below 1800 are alts of the 2400+ rated players. They’re just trying to gear their alts which will soon to be filled in with their main team, for when they need a certain meta, etc. A lot of these players who are gladiators knows each other, even if they are not friends, especially if they participate in a carry (win/trading) and RMT business.
The more you see and play, the more you know. I don’t even know what’s it like in Dragonflight because I no longer play rated PVP.
And you wonder why players come into random battlegrounds and epic battlegrounds telling them to participate in rated PVP to get gear or die. All these premade/q-syncers are also ruining it for the random/epic battlegrounds but that’s another story.
Thank you for summarizing rated PVP.
Well, the community around it is unpleasant, and I can’t bring myself to start the gear grind again.
I played a lot in DF S1 and got some pretty nice stuff, 2 mounts and some mogs, but I’m not very motivated by this season’s rewards. S2 didn’t interest me either, the Armoured Snail was kind of dumb imo
It’s gonna be a pain to do, so I won’t do it unless I really like the reward.
I’ve also heard that Solo Shuffle has gotten even worse since S1, so there’s that too. I don’t have a reliable partner to play with so I go it alone.
Toxicity, lack of time to continue, and making the decision to play more dedicated PvP games instead.
WoW PvP is fun … but I want to do it as part of a friend group or with my partner. I had no time to continue with RBGs and the group fell apart, so I haven’t picked it up again. And my partner just hasn’t had any real interest in it since BFA.
Haven’t asked them though so I could do that, but eh… probably not.
As mentioned on the Council:
And my thread on the PTR, they forgot the PvP systems, rewards are bad implemented.
I’ve mentioned this several times, Why PVP isn’t involve in holidays too? We could have a special pvp brawl for holidays with some different mechanics or just a new map skin…they’re lazy regarding involving casual pvp in the game.
The pvp community, I wasn’t having fun with the people. If I’m not enjoying the company there’s really no reason to do it when better solo pvp games exist.
Got tired of being ganked, camped, and farmed by more geared/higher level people/teams for ten years ten years ago.
I’m the casual type:
I tried arena’s “back in the day” (wrath) and couldn’t really get a good time frame plus it was just me and my friend goofing more than anything.
I think around legion Tried to do rated BG’s and found it was hard to find a team as I work shift work. Would do normal battlegrounds though like I’d been doing since Vanilla/TBC and didn’t mind them though not as often.
Finally got some free time when I went semi retired (Shadowlands), tried normal solo shuffle and even back into Rated BGs but it always felt like there was the “in crowd” who were low MMR but superhigh gear and coordinated.
DF: Tried some solo shuffle, liked it but was either very long queues or playing as a healer and felt terrible due the slow climb and less impact.
Now since around season 2, I don’t even do normal BGs as some are good but then you get the geared stack and it just feels horrible (more often than not)
The existence of add-ons that disable chat and whispers says more than I ever could.
The open world battles at Astranaar and Terran Mill became boring…
Stopped twice, first time was cuz my arena partner for 2’s was stressing me tf out.
Second time, cuz i got what i wanted from RBG’s which is to say the vicious mounts.
Got tired of being steamrolled by rated players in better gear. Didn’t matter how well I played, it wasn’t enough to overcome gear when you are getting one shot. DF has probably improved this, but it is too little too late for me.
I’m an ex-pvp players. Prior to WoD I was almost 100% pvp–I hadn’t even done a lot of the raids before that. I stopped because:
- there was no world pvp (aside from corpse camping by random enemy player)
- I found most of the battlegrounds to be…tedious, and repetitive.
- In battlegrounds, people ALWAYS rage against others. It seems to bring out the worst in people.
- Player X gets slaughtered by a better player of a different class…player x calls for nerf of that class
- gear farming got super tedious.
- I have zero interest in arenas. I prefer HUGE pvp battles.
- I discovered that I prefer PvE because of the cooperative aspect of it. In WoD I tanked, healed and dps’d with a raiding guild for the first time.
And I had just had enough of people who pvp in this game. /shrug
I’m still playing but war mode makes me want to quit. I can’t stand war mode. I used to play on pvp servers back in the day and preferred those. War mode sucks for world pvp.