To the casual / ex pvper. Why did you quit?

Title says it all. I feel like no one is playing rated pvp (5% of the population rn). So tell me… why did you stop.


I quit pvp back in legion i think when they scaled stats for new players and i never went back

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It doesn’t feel fun to play anymore. I usually just get 2100 for the illusion. So for me, it’s easier to wait until the end of the season when inflation is high, so that I can smash it out in a week and be done.

Also, the arena format just doesn’t do it for me anymore. When I want to PvP I go play the conquest mode in GW2. I like that map awareness and proper rotation are more important than knowing every ability in the game and their interactions.

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Are you referring to the whole template thing?

Im not sure like people cried that they had no gear and they would get one shot in pvp, so blizz scaled stats in pvp

I’m asking because I missed Legion, unfortunately. I hear it was a good time.

I thought I heard something about gear templates or something like that.

This is why they need to change the system.

Yea, i mean i worked for my arena gear and some noob is gonna come along and i cant one shot him lol, alot of people liked that probably lol

15+ years of RMP. Stagnation in tuning and class design. Nothing in PvP carries over to the rest of the game. Lack of people to play with.

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I’m imagining the uproar of complaints from twinks.

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The class kits are too bloated. Way too much CC in the game, as well as melee have basically endless gap closers. Almost every rated match is all melee vs 1 caster.


Having ilvl matter in PVP is what kills it for me. It may have been ok back when I had all the time in the world to grind out the gear, but I don’t anymore.

Until PvP becomes gear agnostic, I’ll just play fighting games or FPS games to scratch my PvP itch.


I quit pvp(bg’s) back in Cata. Didn’t enjoy it anymore and haven’t really looked back.

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This is easy to answer… depending on class/build/gear you are either a God or a peon and neither is very fun to play.

Also, battlegrounds are a poop show these days where you just run into the meat grinder that is the pre-made you are up against and that’s pretty not fun too.

Lastly, I don’t like any of the new pvp gearing systems these days.


I’ve been getting back into rated pvp a little bit, but the toxicity isn’t super fun. Like I know I’m bad, it’s been a decade since i’ve stepped into the arena and I was never giga good then, but people in shuffle are just so dang rude. They are in bgs too, but I feel like it matters less there where individual performance is less critical.

It’s hard for new people to get into though as well because you need to get an entirely different set of gear to be on remotely the same playing field, and then grind out the most toxicity heavy mode to get the better gear that people who’ve played more already have. I find it fun but I can definitely see how people would be turned off by the system and the negativity towards learning players.


I got busy with work for a few months and fell behind. The thought of grinding my way back to current gear wasn’t appealing so I did other stuff.

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Tried it in TBC quit in TBC because rogues.

I have an addon that turns off chat and disables whispers while in shuffle. I can find the name when I get home if you want it

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Rogues in TBC were a funny entity. As a vanilla warlock, rogues were free HKs in vanilla. This changed awful fast.

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I mean that’s nice and all but I shouldn’t really have to disable all communication in a mode that benefits from communication and coordinating with your teammate. I just wish people were less mean-spirited.