To the casual / ex pvper. Why did you quit?

Aside from leveling at one point it was all I did in game. That said I quit altogether years ago. But the reason maybe it’s not relevant in today’s PvP was cc. I can live with losing to better players of which there are many but I hated dying without having a chance to fight back.

Like I said I don’t know if that’s still a thing but it put me off permanently.

Back when I started in WoD, I used to do lot of PVP as a hunter until Legion came out I slowly stopped my PVP and just did casual content. Until I recently got into mythic plus dungeons that is.

This. (need more than x amount of letters)

Havent PVPed since before WOTLK. It just became a stunfest. Wasnt very fun back then. It may have changed but I never bothered to venture back to see. (this was BGs)

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When PvP servers where a thing it got old being on an alliance dominated server and only showed when they got in an actual battleground had bad, they were when it was one on one. Couple Cataclysm literally gave DPS stupid levels of health with higher damage and I usually played tanks or healers in PvP made me quit. Now here is Dragon Flight which copied the same stupid health and damage and I refuse to go through that again in PvP.

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Ahhh time for a rant:

Ive said this before and ill say it again rated rewards need to be reworked.

Every pvp reward is time sensitive and its stupid. Some time sensitive is fine but no other end game pillar has this extent. Elite set, glad mount, weapons, enchants, titles are all time sensitive. One of those can drop off from being time sensitive.

I like the elite sets. But I work full time so cant sit hours in games and i mostly pug arena so i sit mid level 1600-1800 bracket. Done this as heals and done this as dps. Enjoy both. But by the time i get the set i just dont want to deal anymore cause of the agitata ping ponging rating does.

If i could just grind the set via time or wins above 1500 id rated pvp all day every day.

If i could grind out old sets by forgoing earning the new season set id play more. Im sure so would others. Still would require me playing at a certain lvl

But nah lets gate keep the mode some more.

Then ask why no one likes it. Q 1600mmr into glads at season start always a good time when trying to earn a reward in a timely manner.

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Seeing “You can’t do that while stunned” over and over until “You are dead” was good times.

I stopped for awhile when I couldn’t drown people anymore.

I’m back now tho

Take your pick:

  1. Too much CC.
  2. No stat templates to normalise everyone’s gear.
  3. Meta specs.
  4. Cheese strats.
  5. Toxicity.
  6. Some classes are just objectively superior to others. It’s just the way it is.
  7. Glads matched up against noobs because MMR apparently doesn’t work.

Haven’t PVP’d since WOD. Used to be in an RBG group and made it as far as Stone Guard. After that, I just lost interest. If they make it like FFXIV’s PVP where gear doesn’t matter, I might get back into it. Also, they should just disable racials in rated PVP.

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Arena sucks but once BG Blitz is a rated mode I’ll be spamming that.


Pretty much this. I like PvP gearing now because it feels more accessible than PvE, for PvE, as you can get Conquest from solo queues (no dealing with the annoyance of group finder for M+) while you quest on the open world. Let that sink in: it’s more fun to gear up for PvE in PvP! (subjective of course, but that’s how I feel).

But by itself, it’s really annoying to see low HP players in your team, as you know they are free kills.

As for rated, we only have Arenas, AKA hide-behind-the-pillar which is a format I really dislike. Solo Shuffle is just Arenas again. Rated BG takes forever to group, a single loss to break and even more of an eternity to pop.

BG Blitz is the one thing giving me hope for PvP, only in the next XPAC, and one I’d play a lot if it was rated already. My MMR right now is around 2k on all chars in BG Blitz.

And also this:


Because it’s a rolling dumpster fire that’s about to crash into a fireworks factory. Along with the lovely community that comprises PvP typically that do nothing but act like poor sports. While they flex with whatever the FotM free carry class and spec is and acting like their the hottest thing since sliced bread. With the latter being intentionally lower their CR to PWN lower skilled players because their ego got bruised in the upper brackets and they need that ego fix.


I used to PVP quite a bit (rogue and priest), but have not this or last expansion.

The fun was removed for me as pre-formed groups were pitted against a group of random signups. I can accept losses but losing most was not sustainable. The rewards also seemed to fall behind, which made the losing even less acceptable. No progression, no participation.

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Pretty much this.


Late Wrath and all of Cat Blizz had a hard on for nerfing warriors and leaving blatant more serious imbalances as they were. (I still chuckle about the bladestorm disarm when RMP was dominant in 3s and RP was dominant in 2s) Usually there is just a 1 off like this but it was just a constant thing through Cataclysm, to the point I often still call it “casterclysm.”

Blizzard really seemed to lean hard into the FOTM comps for years after and by the time it was warrior’s turn, I just wasn’t interested anymore.


For once I agree with the Forums. :smile:


This is my largest beef really. PvP is more of a side game where the only thing that should matter is player skill. That’s it. But naw ilvl has been and will always be a pillar of PvP.

I just really enjoy either one-shotting lowbies because my PvE/PvP gear is way better than theirs or being the one one-shotted. It’s such a fun game design. Not toxic at all.


Because healing solo shuffle is a no win scenario. 80% of games you go 50/50 because of a hopeless dps player who goes 0-6 and you lose rating and MMR for it. Meanwhile the other dps all go 4-2 and get a nice rating boost out of it.

The few games you do win award bugger all, and the losses are about 3x the rating loss of a win. Why bother?

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I was bad at it.