To all who keep designating servers for this and that

Why is “Streamers aren’t allowed to come to my server” considered appropriate but “Hey everyone from my tribe, roll on this server, because you’ll be among friends” considered offensive?

Oh I’ve been in Barrens chat. I was throwing out Chuck Norris jokes with the best of them. I know what people have said there, and I don’t expect Classic Barrens chat to be any different.

Still, being LGBTQ++++++ (I lose track of all the + now) shouldn’t LIMIT you from ANY server, anymore than being Black, Latino, Asian, or anything else. Who cares. And if you’re really letting Barrens chat ruin your gaming experience, then YOU have the problem, not any of them.

Know how I combat people that spout that garbage? Humor.

Why to you think Barrens chat was full of Chuck Norris jokes in the first place? People were trying to redirect the chat AWAY from that vile nonsense.

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I grew up playing D&D, so I didnt have a problem with most of it. The requirement to emote everything was where it went too far. That and the fact that failure to abide by these player created rules was somehow considered griefing or some such.

To be clear, let me post the topic of two threads locked due to harassment and abuse:

Hello i was just wondering if theres a realm that is inclusive and is open minded and progressive I know back in the day it was proudmoore realm. Thanks.

Yo, me and my partner are trying to identify a realm where he can speak on voice chat without getting mocked, anyone know where I might find a guild or server for that?

These are not people telling others that they have leave a server.

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Hopefully people will understand your message. Most seem to be too busy virtue signalling and throwing names around. Well said though.

whitemane is only for pro wrestling fans

Still too much clutter. Get a spork. Or as i call it, a fpoon.

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Are strait people not also inclusive minded all the sudden? Maybe people actually want to go to a server for more than 1 reason, LIKE QUE TIMES MAYBE? Exclusivity should be EVERY server because face it Eloraell, for one there are haters everywhere, and most importantly there’s no way every single LGBT+ inclusive player will fit on one damn server. It’s very selfish to NOT spread the love to all servers!

Generally people hate streamer servers because all the issue’s that are involved with it. They’ll tend to clog up the server with people (causing que times) while doing nothing but trying to gank that streamer.
The community starts to become Toxic and heavily focuses on the streamer which slowly disrupts the server.
It tends to be different then organizing a Wpvp even, or an organic one Wpvp event and in some cases they can cause server’s to go down.

Never stated it was about the first one did I? I also mentioned the most recent one not following a format that’s inclusive nor inviting but rather being intrusive onto others.
My statement was a broad statement from IRL where you end up seeing new’s articles that can be summed up as “I felt offended so I had to get justice on them,” “I feel offended so I need safe spaces,” and other things similar to that.
While I don’t know what the first one had in the OP, but considering how bad the rep is IRL; it really wouldn’t be weird for a forum to blow up considering everyone on here only wants a place where they can relax and enjoy themselves, a group that’s now known to be intrusive wouldn’t be heavily accepted.

If that was the case then they could’ve simply stated LGBTQA+, I’m rolling on X server, I welcome you to join, I’ll be names X and I’ll make a guild. Would still have a heated debate, simply because it makes people worried, especially with the right click report being abused easily and the rep that’s following that group.

Lol, now i understand why people would end up in a heated debate, they made their statements an indirect jab at EVERYONE by claiming they aren’t inclusive, or wouldn’t accept the.
Yep nothing wrong with a jab the EVERY PLAYER.
Totally nothing wrong.


“all of a sudden”?

How are those posts stopping you? Literally this is the failure in understanding. You’re not being excluded from rolling on a server because it’s designated as the server where Blue Skinned People are going to roll. It also doesn’t force Blue Skinned People to go to that server either.


I’m responding to you personally, it’s trying to tell you there’s haters EVERYWHERE. Also, ALL servers should accept ALL RACES, GENDERS AND CREEDS.

There’s a reason why almost every major city in the world has a Chinatown. Because for centuries, the Chinese outside of their own country were hated and picked on. So they banded together to make a place they’re comfortable with, where they could rely on being accepted. They don’t exclude non-Chinese people from the area, and people of all nationalities often go there for things you wouldn’t find in other places.

Are you saying that there shouldn’t be a Chinatown in cities, because now the Chinese are universally welcome everywhere?

Are you saying that every server shouldn’t have an LBGT+town? Every server deserves it’s own chinatown!

I really think you missed the point there. Realms are parts of the Classic city.

No, every suburb doesn’t have “China Street”.

So if the LGBT+ server is full do you turn people away? Every server deserves it’s own chinatown!

I’m going to ignore the trolling now.

I thought Stalaag was the designated server for left-handed PC players.

You’re disrespecting LGBT+ players.

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I’ma go with BS on this, have you ever heard of things related to foreigners in China?
Yeah china ain’t no “everyone’s inclusive here.” I chines woman marrying a foreigner is often looked down upon (same with the foreigner). Back in the day they didn’t try to actively learn English, they where forced to learn enough to communicate with the English speakers, that’s why there is “broken” English.
They could’ve created China town because they wanted to keep their traditions and like minded Chinese people felt the same so they created a COMMUNITY of Chinese people.
Also these Chinese people are inclusive of Americans and don’t impose anything onto them.

You know, you can see clearly the differences of old Chinese people and the new Chinese people while looking at Vancouver CA. The new Chinese Immigrants don’t care about the China Town of Vancouver resulting in the area they populate to be reduced year to year.
The older Chinese people (and their kids) created that place solely to keep their traditions.

Ok, now you’re crossing the line, buddy…