To all who keep designating servers for this and that

RP servers are not an exception to that.

But you only respect the “new chinese people” right?

Yes, that’s what most Chinatown’s are like. I’ve been to different ones in at least 6 countries that I can think off the top of my head, and never felt like I wasn’t wanted there.

No, many did actively learn English. That stereotype is usually referring to the elderly people or people who couldn’t learn English for whatever reason. Because in order to have any money in their new lands, they needed to trade or provide a service to the residents. Learning new languages when you’re older is hard. Our minds aren’t wired that way.

But this is the key point. You’ve written off people as “Your homeland doesn’t treat people well, so why should we do it to you.” To which I say “Why do you think they left that place?” The whole point is that we should be better than that.

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You can’t compare the two because one exists in real life whereas the other your real life identity is protected by an avatar. No one needs to know who a person is on the other side of the screen. You volunteer that kind of information at your own peril. People should know after more than 2 decades of online gaming to protect your identity while online.

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Read his post again.

Guild Wars 2 had a pretty massive lgbt guild that was formed from posts like the ones you’re mentioning. Was a pretty cool group to engage with. Just let people do what they want.


According to the media, the U.S. is on the verge of a civil war. In reality…not so much.

Well for one thing the forks are different. A salad fork has a wider left tine, a fish fork is usually just two tines but can have 4 the left is a bit wider and has a notch in it. The dinner fork has longer tines. The desert forks has slightly shorter tines than the salad fork with the left tine being flat.

All that matters:

  1. You can do the role you were invited to do.
  2. You’re not a dirty horde.

Leave the “real world” in your head. We have bigger issues on Azeroth. Like murlocs and bag space. I don’t have time for your delusions of some being controlling you and the issues they have or don’t have. I have quests to complete, evils to vanquish, and pets to feed.

Playing on RP. If it’s not in game leave it out of the game. Your drama makes Ony deep breath more. Handle it.

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I completely agree with this statement. However, this is a video game. Do I really need to know what anyone’s sexual preference is in a damn video game?


I was thinking about it I was thinking about getting something like this

You can simplify your life by ditching the spoon and fork and just getting a spork

Grobbulus is the official Dwarven Server!

Fairbanks is now the official Server for Squishies. Only priests, warlocks and mages allowed.

No one has room to criticize lgbtq folks for rolling together on the same server when herod a$$hats have threatened streamers and people from SA to keep them off the server.

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NO…one fork to rule them all !!!

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AWM butthurt in the house.

You dont. But people are free to congregate with people they feel comfortable.

Why does it affect you if a group you’re not part of, wants to play together?


I have a signed (By Ryan and Lar and the artist that did the cover) LFG Issue 1 comic on my wall in a frame :slight_smile:

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Lol. So some other people are dbags so you get to be one too? Nice. You may want to look at all the hate being directed to the toxic a-holes from Herod on both these forums and reddit before declaring them to be your standard of behavioral measurement.