The only people who need to do this are folks who’s game play may disrupts other players experience… BR due to language and not getting a server of their own. And Streamers because of the toxic fans some of them bring with them and the endless spamming disrupts and ruins game play for others…
You do not need to claim a server if you do not fall into these catagorys . If you are LGBTQIA whatever it is , or Black, White, Yellow, Brown, Green, Blue, tall,short,thin,fat,hairy,bald,deaf,have no legs, or anything else or category of person you feel identifies you … Just pick a server and play.
By posting threads like this you are alienating yourselves from the rest of the community. No one cares who you sleep with or what your disability is or what color your skin is. You come here and post threads signaling yourselves out like you want the bullies to mess with you …
I understand some people are looking to play with like minded people. But enough is enough. Play the game or if your overly sensitive then don’t play games over the internet.
EDIT: remove the other post as it was not in the right place
People can designate whatever they want. The problem is that they expect Blizzard to care or follow along with it. They won’t, nor should. You did those of your own free will. It’s not relevant to them, nor anyone that doesn’t care. I, like most people, will roll where I want, and not care for anyone’s silly designations.
If someone being queer is disruptive to your gameplay, then you have the problem. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who to this day still have that problem, so those in the LGBT+ community tend to group up with people who are ok with their life choices. That’s not a bad thing.
I look at this. Then I look at America. And I wonder what country you moved to.
Let’s clear this up,
Nobody cares how you identify, we only care if you want to play.
The PvP trolls mock everybody, not because of of how you identify, but because you exist, I’ve been told I’m ugly, my name is stupid, my pet is stupid, my gear is stupid, my spec is stupid etc.
The “Ignore” feature works really, really well, if someone annoys you make free and easy with it and enjoy the game!
Did we REALLY need another one of these threads? Let people play how they want to play. If they want to be in a guild that is lgbtq friendly… furry friendly… vegan friendly… let them do it.
People are mistaking people making these threads as wanting Blizzard to specifically create servers for their needs. They’re not. They’re just asking where they might go to find like-minded communities. Nobody is expecting Blizzard to do anything.
No one is declaring one server to be an LGBTQ server nor are any gay folks saying people can’t play on any specific server (unlike the folks from Herod how have told streamers and SA not to roll on Herod).
LGBTQ folks are just getting a feel for where the can find other LGBTQ folks and LGBTQ guilds so they know what server to roll on.
Why is it such an issue to so many people to have LGBTQ folks that want to play together so they are seeking each other out?
Ahh another xenophobic thread.
No there does not need to be BR/SA/Streamer servers.
Most BR/SA people also speak English or at the very least enough to play WoW with them in English like we did back in classic
Streamers (small , medium and large followings) will be on ALL servers you can’t avoid them.
the only reason people care is because they wont stop telling us…You dont see straight people going around saying I am straight, did you know I am straight, hey you I am straight, every one I am straight, PAY ATTENTION TO ME I AM STRAIGHT, WHY DO YOU HATE ME IS IT BECAUSE I AM STRAIGHT?
I designate Stalagg as the official server for people that intentionally eat their salad with the dinner fork, then switch to the salad fork for the main entree.
I sexually identify as a firetruck. Where’s my server? Is the process I just name a server and say it’s officially the Firetruck server? And then call everyone that disagrees with there being an Official anything outside the standard PVP PVE RP RP-PVP designations a bigot. Cause I can do that if it means I get an official firetruck server.