Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Everything on the forums needs to work Bnet account wide just like the other Blizzard forums.

In-game it sort of does work like that. Sort of. It will ignore their account (at least the license) from your character. Problem is you have to repeat that Ignore on each of your characters. It does eliminate a bunch of alts though. Unless…they are on other non-merged servers.

The whole in-game social network could use an overhaul but it was coded in more than 20 years ago. The Battlenet chat system is separate and gives folks much more privacy and control.



The community is what ultimately killed the game for me. It’s been a long time coming but I realize that wow for me is dead. I keep coming back in hopes I will start enjoying the game again but I’ll play for a week or two and then not touch it for months or even years.

With each expansion it has been getting worse for me. I started playing in 2006, or '07 when burning crusade came out and I loved this game so much. I grew up with it as well. It seems my lose of interest just keeps getting worse. I didn’t even make it 3 months into this expansion before I decided to put it down and walk away. I am sick of the people in this game and no one being held accountable.


LOL it’s a made-up problem when we literally have a list of players in here saying that they will kick people for no reason LOL

I guess this guy is telling all of you guys that you’re fibbing about kicking people for no reason

Yeah the damage that the game does to itself is nothing compared to the damage that this player base does to it.
When we have people literally bragging about how they’re allowed to ruin someone else’s game time for doing literally nothing wrong I think we’ve found some of the problem if not most of the problem

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Honestly, I’d be totally fine with them switching to battletags for the WOW forums. You could still optionally select a posting character, but your btag should always be part of the post.

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As long as it’s not showing for everyone to see absolutely agree so if I block some players in here I have them blocked in game as well. Sounds great to me

How about whenever you load into a dungeon everyone gets gets kicked and gets the debuff, that way its fair and no one is singled out

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Who here said that they will kick people with no reason? I can see/read a lot of people SAYING that they’ve been kicked for no reason. And people who have said they kick for good reasons. But I must have missed those people who say they will just kick people for no reason at all. I could have missed the posts I guess.

They are an extreme minority and not evidence of a systemic issue.

LOL no one is silencing anyone.

They’re using Chromie Time scaling.

And you’d be wrong.

No. You don’t.

Not the point, but nice deflection.

Absolutely never once ever did this ever. You are incorrect.

Irrelevant. You have been wrong about almost everything you’ve said. So I’m not engaging further.

And there’s reason to believe that there’s an unreliable narrator issue in most of those cases.


I have said it in other threads, it is a generational issue but not even of an entire generation, but part of it. Yes, it is a real problem. It escapes the game because it encompasses the RL.
If you go outside and pay attention, you see it. And if you don’t go out, you see it on the news.

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You were quite literally talking about the game. You mentioned nothing of it being a generational problem or irl.
So dare I ask why the sudden tangent from blaming blizzard to the world and specific generations?

Because at this game only the company can do something, although I recognize that it is probably of no use.
And I say that it is a problem for part of a generation because it is seen throughout the Western world (I do not live in the USA) and it is very striking. I don’t know what conditions generated this.

The internet. And it’s global. Some of the most toxic people I’ve ever met were from the east.
It’s easier to be a know it all when google is a fraction of a second away and rude when most interactions are via screen.

The company would do something if it was an actual problem vs rare circumstances.
The first 2 weeks of TWW, they made vote kick punishments and leaving punishments harsher.
So this tells me the vote kick system is not only working, but they want to make it a bigger penalty for when it happens.


Yeah. Resources are finite, and can be much better spent fixing other things than something that probably only occurs in less than 1 in 100,000 runs.


Interestingly, I think the system is flawed in its design because it is suggestive.

We humans gravitate towards agreeing rather than disagreeing, so if somebody initiates a vote kick, everybody else will be forced to reply to a prompt on screen - and is more likely to just hit yes.

This is a well researched topic and has the same underlying principles that lead to the bandwagon effect.

Make it so that in dungeons, at least two people have to actively initiate it, like in raids where it needs 3(?) votes to even get initiated and you will have much less unwarranted kicks. Make it a breach of ToS to ask for others to vote kick in chat.

That way you have catered to the argument of people who say “but if the party doesn’t want to play with you…”, but you also protect people from unwarranted kicks.

It’s all down to UI design.

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great idea…definitely help with the “I voted yes to get that box off my screen” problem.

EVERYONE brings their personality/attitude anywhere they go. Its absurd for anyone to try to deny it.
Some mask their behavior because the current environment theyre in requires it.
Ive been playing video games since they came out in arcades and the very first Pong game. Ive been playing table top since Red Box DnD…the gaming community that I remember way back when never behaved like some do in this game.

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Found the one who didnt read the thread lol

this one even admits its not fair

The list goes on and on and on…

and…the behavior is sanctioned by and encourged by the company…