Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

The reduced or even removed timeout means theres no reason to hold hostage…and you do know they can be kicked correct?
If the tank doesnt want to be there, I dont want him there trolling my run.
win/win…remove the timeout entirely.

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That’s not how things work. Yet another bad take.

Again: you disagreeing does not equate to incorrect.

ask caps and sen about that…ive forgotten how long its been lol

Right. See the Blue Post quoted by Sendryn in #193.

Rules get made and modified all the time due to abuses.
That bliz doesnt say its abusive to kick players who have done no wrong doesnt mean its not abusive to that player.
What amazes me is that this is even a topic of discussion. Total scapegoating. Total transferrence of blame to the company for bad player behavior.

Unfortunatly, Vrak (who has a better understanding of how things work than you do) would tell you otherwise

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I love that the people responding to my comments are already blocked. Probably the same people who don’t get that if Blizzard makes a system that people then use just to cause problems…the system is broken. It is abusing a system if you use it to abuse people and it wasn’t meant for that. If people kick others for fun…ie haha watch this gonna kick this person just to be mean…it’s a broken system. If Blizzard wants it to be abusive…it’s still broken. it just indicates that Blizzard is broken as well.

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Your facts and logic have no place here :stuck_out_tongue:

You ran forums before (and maybe still), do you not?

Nobody ever lied in your general direction to reduce their ban?

I’ll pass thanks. Ive made my points clear without seeing blue excusing bad player behavior.

Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as a system that can’t be abused.

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Feel free to point to the abuse of the current vote to kick system.

Up to you, but your points being clear doesn’t stop them from being wrong.

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Depends entirely on what your definition of ‘abused’ is.

EVERYONE gets the same assumption of innocence UNTIL they prove themselves guilty.
Really not understanding your obvious problem with that.

not wrong as in parroting blizzards policies in the matter doesnt equal that those policies dont allow abusive treatment of players who did nothing warranting being kicked.

Another incorrect take.

The system was put into place to STOP the problems.

And I don’t want to go back to that.

This is NOT a systemic issue. At all. And has even been said so by all of the people who continually push this narrative that VTK needs chsnged.

If we’re going down that route, this would not be a criminal context, so the standard would be a preponderance of the evidence, which translates to ‘more probable than not’.

You see it often enough in CS here.

People who have had account actioned are notorious for being unreliable narrators on the topic of why it happened.

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I get what you’re advocating.

For interest sake, someone gets hammered for botting.
Someone else gets hammered for running their mouth off.

Are both innocent at first glance in your opinion?

Which problems is that?