exactly. lots of wrongs have been committed by majorities.
Thankfully a vast majority of wow player are like this…helpful most of the time…
its the few who ruin things for everyone else.
exactly. lots of wrongs have been committed by majorities.
Thankfully a vast majority of wow player are like this…helpful most of the time…
its the few who ruin things for everyone else.
Yeah and everyone who doesn’t agree with you is a bad person who wasn’t raised right? That’s your first take on the issue?
You come off as disingenuous at best.
Follower dungeons. Though wow players treat being told to move down a difficulty worse then a slur against their loved one.
Yep. I have opinions about how people should behave.
Look, if follower dungeons would just replace normal/heroic queues entirely, I don’t think that many people would actually care.
And yet half of what ChatGPT said in your post is incorrect/isn’t possible.
So you just discredited yourself.
They’re a good idea. I pretty much only do them and delves now, because I just don’t like the experience anymore in random groups. Even if nobody is behaving badly, they’re so go-go-go that it’s not fun for me, anymore. I really like doing dungeons with friends, where we can talk and laugh and I’ve been playing long enough that I hardly have any friends left playing. Rarely enough on at one time to make up a five-man.
A group tried a regular Saturday dungeoning thing, but real world just kept getting in the way for me.
What a ridiculous response. You are literally saying that abusing a vote kick system is ok because there are no rules saying you can’t, in the face of someone saying there needs to be a better system because people are abusing this. Just a completely ridiculous response.
Benefit of the doubt is the sketchy part, and man, that’s a subject that can blow up in spades, heh.
The internet affords people the ability to lie anonymously, often. The botting sites literally have guides up to suggest how people should to appeal their accounts. People here lie all the time, and get busted occasionally on the CS forum from time to time either due to misdirection or mistake. And on GD as well, if anyone saw the thread earlier where the guy’s alts and guild mates got identified, heh.
Am not always inclined to assume innocence anymore, no. Doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll damn the person in their own thread if someone genuinely requests help, but… the suspicion is there.
Any benefit to getting kicked vs leaving will result in abuse / holding groups hostage, which is precisely what led to Blizzard applying the leaver penalty to kicked people in the first place.
In all the times this topic has surfaced I’ve only seen two suggestions that seemed reasonable:
It’s not ridiculous.
Nobody should be forced by the system to play with someone they don’t want to.
So the only options (if we’re keeping LFD), is to either leave vote kick alone, or remove deserter completely.
This post is the most “me me em” post I’ve seen in this thread. Did your parents teach you that everyone had to do what you want when you were growing up? You aren’t entitled to someone else playing with you.
There’s nothing ridiculous about it.
See blue post and support article saying the exact same thing here:
There is no such thing.
Blizzard were never wrong right?
Blue post, orange posts, red posts, it does not mean naything.
Developers are the same people as you and me.
again…I dont assume people are liars until they give me reason to.
Thats a choice I make as a human being living in a world of human beings.
Blizzard is never wrong on what Blizzard’s rules are. Blizzard’s been wrong about what people want, or about abiding by external rules, but the official company statement describing the rule is not wrong about their own rule.
My parents taught me to help people of lesser ability than me.
How long have you been posting here?
They make the rules. This is their rule: you can kick for any reason. You disagreeing with it doesn’t make it incorrect.
They make the rules until board of d irectors tell them to stop with bad decisions.
They made those bad horrible decisions ALL THE TIME.
Blue posts are not any sort of authority for me
they just from people whoa re wrong.