Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

The OP landed in groups where the other players felt their damage was not up to par. How is forcing 4 other people who feel that way to play with them fair?

Now, if those 4 other people (or more likely, the one person in that group of 4 who feels strongly enough about random DPS to call for a vote) repeatedly do this, the game eventually prevents them from calling for a vote for several hours. At which point they will either need to suck it up and play with randoms who don’t meet their exacting standards, stop queueing for a while, or abandon the group and eat a deserter debuff themselves. Working as intended.

They should not use LFG is someoen does not have enoughj damage,
they sshould create their own5 man premade.
That vote kick button must go.

So if someone were to put you on follow and not do anything, you should be powerless to remove them?

I would be fine with that as long as trolls dont have any agency over other peoples participation.

If someone were to actively pull extra stuff in an attempt to get you killed, you should be powerless to remove them, while also being punished yourself for leaving?

The chances that the OP routinely lands in high-performing 4-man premades when solo queueing are astronomically low.


Its unliekly to happen in any instance I am in.

So is the scenario the OP is describing. Seriously, getting kicked for saying “hello?”

Yeah, community is extremely toxic.
I mean read some responses in this thread alone, you will get the idea.
“They dont deserve loot”.
“Oh someone didnt agree to vote kick, vote kick that person instead”.

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Did their behavior violate rules?
Did they tell a demonstrable lie?

Again, having a hard time getting why this is an issue giving another human being benefit of doubt until they give me reason not to.
Violating the rules intentionally by botting would cross that line VERY obviously.

As far as running off at the mouth, Im a free speech sort.
Dont violate any laws, dont attack people for how theyre born…ie gay, race, etc…and Im not gonna ban or action someone for ‘trolling’ or baiting or much else.
MY members know to use the ignore feature and only report stuff that is law breaking or racist, sexist, etc.
By the time I see reports someone has crossed serious lines but frankly my members dont behave like some do in here because I dont play favorites and they all know it at this point

so…back to the actual topic…maybe?

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Not just this thread but ALL the threads in GD on this topic represent not even 1% of the playerbase. You taking them as gospel is beyond silly.

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I bet half the posters in here, press “agree to kick” without any reasons.


The one that both the blue post I linked and many others have stated over and over in every single one of these threads, including this one. Go back and read. But keep acting like you don’t know that.

OP even said they used ChatGPT to write the post. Half of the scenarios they describe aren’t possible or are made up by AI.

There is zero credibility here.

This isn’t a systemic issue.


And there it is again. This poor strawman attempt to make everyone look like the villain because you refuse to acknowledge the reasons for the system.

“I want your loot drop, give it to me…no? Vote kick”
Lol…I had a very hard time believing that one passed, lol.

Interestingly, I haven’t seen this happen since LFR was personal loot back in Sepulcher, and never from a dungeon.

I don’t click anything without trying to understand the situation first.

Out of curiosity, why are you convinced people will press Yes instead of No without any reason? It seems to me “get it off my screen” would be indiscriminate.

I’ve said before, I don’t think there would be any problem adding a 1s delay to the ability to hit yes, regardless.

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I’m not someone who regularly uses the forums. The only reason I used them now is that I found this situation extremely frustrating while leveling my secondary characters. Whether it’s a volatile topic or not is another matter entirely. But just because it’s controversial, does that mean I don’t have the right to talk about it?

I find it curious that, because I don’t have many previous posts—unlike others I see with over 10k posts—my opinions are considered less relevant. Does the fact that I haven’t spoken much before mean my opinion holds less value? Do I need to speak hundreds of times for my opinion to start mattering more, according to your perspective? I’d rather speak on topics I consider important than talk for the sake of talking about anything.

I can even provide proof that I’ve been playing WoW for at least 10 years on this same account! But I guess you’d still think I used AI to produce the content, so I won’t waste my time.

As for your suspicions about AI, I’ve already said that I use AI to help me communicate. If I spoke to you in my native language, you wouldn’t understand me. And if I spoke with my level of English, maybe you wouldn’t understand me either. So, does that mean I shouldn’t speak at all just because my English isn’t perfect like yours?

Also, I live in the United States. Why should I use another language in this forum if it’s not the language of the country where I live? That mindset goes against personal growth. Here I am, trying to socialize with people who wouldn’t otherwise understand me on a topic I find important, while you’re basing your doubts about my credibility solely on the fact that I use AI.

I’m Team-AI and strongly believe in its enormous potential, though that’s another debate I don’t think is worth addressing in this forum.

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well, many who wander into these threads admit willingly and quite unmaliciously, that they do click yes to get that box out of their face.
They arent the persons abusing the kick so much as the ones who initiated it. They likely just assume the kick was for something the player did but they didnt see it themselves.
Others have literally bragged in here how they get their jollies in kicking players for no reason just to see if it’ll pass lol.

It’s not a problem that you do, but if you’re from the states, why do you play on Quel’thalas?