Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

When you express an opinion, sometimes people don’t agree with that opinion or the logic with which you have arrived at that opinion. Sometimes people will express a contrary opinion or point out what they believe to be a fallacy in your logic. This is not necessarily an attack on you as a person.

The rest, well that’s just these forums tbh.

I’m going to post these things one more time for people.


Do you ever NOT bully people in the forums? Every single post I’ve personally seen from you, you come off as a complete bully. The fact that you still have an MVP title with how many times I’m sure your comments have been flagged is crazy.

I agree with you, and I still think you come of as a jerk. Do better.


Yea but like youre the problem player that keeps getting vote kicked. So I think for your enjoyment and the enjoyment of the others forced to vote kick you as a problem player you should stick with follower dungeons

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derailing isnt contributing by any stretch of the imagination


can u make lke an actual post on it just so ppl in the back can hear u loud and clear this topic is as annoying as taylor swift

show me one reply that is derailing this thread

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I’m not sure a fresh thread on it will be well-liked.


we can test it out quick someone post it

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Haven’t seen much of an uproar from the larger population on the subject. We get the occasional thread here, but streamers tend to provoke people to being loud… causing more threads here, on reddit, more videos. But we really haven’t seen that here at least as of late, have we?

Is the situation really that bad currently?

Odeargodno. This one devolved right from the start. We don’t need another.

Right? I love how they blame the green text when all Perl did was answer someone’s question.


Only for the problem players getting vote kicked. So the system is working

if i posted that then nobody would care but bc the person is green then its a big big big big big big deal


It’s because getting kicked in general is pretty rare and it’s usually for reasons like DC, AFK, etc. These threads make it seem worse than it actually is lol.

The 30 minute thing was dumb on Blizzard’s part though.

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30 mins is bonkers i leave bc a whole group decides to leave then i get penalized wow

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It’s kind of like how me being lvl 10 or a vulpera is only relevant when I’m disagreeing with someone.

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same thing with my post count and how i don’t “play the game” even tho i do i just dont post on my MAIN

If they could vote kick from their thread their problem would be solved. (If they got a majority, anyway)


If you’re getting kicked often it’s you that is the problem.

Work with others as a team, don’t be a toxic jerk, don’t AFK and expect the group to carry you, don’t pull stuff for tanks or grief the dungeon by pulling everything you see and expect tank and healer to be super heroes.


neither are you

u don’t read my emails, you don’t read my notifications, you don’t know anything.

It’s truly frustrating that simply bringing up a problem or situation could result in your post being closed. It seems unbelievable that, in a space that’s supposed to be open for debate and the exchange of ideas, censorship is applied so quickly.

Can’t we even raise a topic without it being silenced? They talk about supporting freedom of expression, but these actions only ensure that players’ voices go unheard. If every discussion about real issues is shut down, the problems we face in the game today will remain permanent.

This kind of practice not only discourages those of us who want to improve the community but also reinforces the feeling that players with constructive criticism aren’t taken seriously. If we’re not allowed to openly discuss problems, how can we expect them to be resolved?