Titanic Research Archive missing ranks after Faction Change

Good morning and good Monday, all! We have a code fix in review, which means we’re moving closer to a solution. From here it’ll go into engineering peer review, then QA testing. Once we’re clear it should be slated to deploy. This process can still take some time, but I’ll let you all know as it moves along.

To tackle one of the earlier questions, I wanted to confirm that we do log and can see your Memento currency, which will be part of the overall fix as well. You’re still clear to spend Corrupted Mementos for research.

Another one that came up is impossible tech trees where certain tiers get jumped, etc. This is part of the same bug and already factored for in how it’ll be addressed. While we have the potential fix ready, I don’t have specific details to share yet since the way we address the bug may change depending on how it goes in review/QA. Once we’re more confident in the final version of the fix, I’ll include it in a future update here.