It’s a garbage system. Why should I waste time and energy killing a hard boss when I can kill 8 sand crabs in a world quest and get a 425 titanforge cause i got lucky?
~30% chance of guaranteed high ilvl loot from hard content vs lottery chance at high ilvl loot from Titanforging a WQ item.
I don’t like Titanforging. There’s no reason for it to exist. Warforging 5, MAYBE 10 ilvl is fine and fits in with RNG gem sockets and such. That’s good enough.
But it’s not as if high titanforges are the norm.
There are many other reasons why difficulty content feels pointless right now.
Please don’t create duplicate threads:
I suspect they are many more casual players than mythic raiders. SO why does it matter when somebody does a wq and gets lucky. I mean lots of peeps like to get lucky now and again.
Why should I continue to work when I can just go to the gas station and buy a lottery ticket and win millions. It’s not fair, remove the lottery.
You’re also not suppose to necro threads
Op isn’t spamming threads are they? I think GD will survive
One of those is less than 9 days old… that’s not necroing.
Spamming is still against forum ToS and I think ‘necro’ starts at ~2 weeks.
Well now you have one <10m old
The report feature is there if it breaks the rules. Feel free to use it
I’d rather not flag if it’s not a huge issue. I’ll save flags for the major problems. I figured this was more “hey there are already discussions going” vs. “BAD AND FEEL BAD” just my 2 cents.
That’s fair enough. I think some people just see old threads as dead and choose to open up new ones on the top lock to garner fresh interest. I agree with you though that flags should be reserved for more severe offenses
Simplest solution: Blizz devs should put in a toggle to let players who are bothered by titan- and war-forging to turn it off in their own gameplay.
Let the rest of us have it if we want it.
Everybody happy, right?
The amount of people who don’t understand that people don’t like gimping themselves in comparison to their peers even if they don’t agree with certain design decisions is hilariously high.
The answer to not liking flight isn’t to not fly.
The answer to not finding leveling engaging enough isn’t to wear greys.
The answer to not liking titanforging isn’t to turn it off for only yourself.
Maybe some of these things don’t have answers that are agreeable for everyone. That’s fine. But don’t pretend as if “just play poorly” is reasonable.
People naturally take the path of least resistance. You know this. Everyone knows this. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.
I know, right? It’s hilarious that some players base their own enjoyment of the game on how other players want to play the game.
bad example.
winning tickets aren’t passed around to everyone a few times a day, you can get welfare gear from around any corner of wow.
Because the first is repeatable the second extremely unlikely. Good luck doing much with one piece of 425 gear.
What a joke - OP is decked out in 420 and 425 from mythic and mythic 10s and it sure wasn’t from killing crabs.
Look at it this way. Blizz has changed it so no matter how you play this game, you get nice gear.
Why do players that don’t raid need gear of that quality? Because we all like to get more powerful with the time we invest in playing. And now, we are.
You have to play this game doing the activities you find enjoyable. Don’t worry about what others do. It doesn’t make any difference to your game what some scrub did to get the pretty 415 purple he has, with crap stats. So what difference does it make?
The only thing I will back you up on is tier sets. They need to be a thing. That would at least give you something to feel better about the effort you have put into raiding.
Better example: they are going to enjoy the football game less only because other people got better seats than them.

winning tickets aren’t passed around to everyone a few times a day, you can get welfare gear from around any corner of wow.
WF/TF isn’t nearly as common as you think it is. And even when they do happen, getting 30+ item levels is extremely rare.
The lottery makes working pointless. Why work 50 hours a week until you die when one lucky lottery ticket makes you richer?
Lol see someone beat me to it.