The Removal Of Titanforging

As the title states, I’m here to express my personal opinion behind the fulfillment of receiving gear in Modern WoW.

Back in older versions of the game, there was a great sense of fulfillment when you received a piece of gear. When you scoured around looking for a group to attempt to run whatever dungeon or raid that contained your BiS ( Best in Slot ) gear. You knew that if your piece dropped and you received it, you’d go off to have a great day.

Why? Because you knew that you finally obtained a piece of gear that you’ll have for a long time. You weren’t chasing after some lucky proc.

Now an days, the feeling is a lot different.

You do all of the stuff I mentioned before, but the difference is when you finally see that piece of loot drop, before even receiving it, you’ll only be excited for the Titanforged, Socketed, Extra green stat, because it’s the best version of that item.

While I understand Blizzard designing a system to allow people to feel like they’re constantly progressing their character with increasing their overall item level.

I don’t agree with it because I don’t even care about the gear unless it has a perfect proc.

I myself don’t do raiding, I only have done LFR, I don’t do mythic +, and the only thing I really do is everything else to obtain gear.

I understand that I’m stuck behind others who do the more ‘hardcore’ content, but nothing pushes me forward because I’m now just chasing after a proc. " Maybe I’ll get a proc from my PvP chest! "

So maybe if there wasn’t Titanforging, etc.

I’d be more open and willing to pushing into harder content, because that would be the only way to obtain the BiS gear. Stats, Equip effects, etc.

There’s just no feeling anymore with forging, other than feeling like dirt because you didn’t get lucky.

I couldn’t even attempt to understand the pain people go through who do actually clear harder content and receive nothing really exciting, but on the other hand they notice someone doing easier content and just being luckier.

Me being a casual, I dislike forging entirely.

I’m sure others agree.



Titanforging is just a happy chance. The problem is people misusing it, repeating content with the hope it will happen.

Also, no one is falling for your claim that you don’t attempt harder content because something might Titanforge; You can’t depend on that happening.


What? What else would you “use” TF for?
And, if it was just +5 ilevel, nobody would have “misused” it as you claim.
The current TF system is just plain silly.

I do. I repeat WQ in a hope of getting TF, especially for rings.


have a twinkie… WF & TF are here to stay! I personally like getting them!


Titanforging doesn’t need to be removed it needs to be capped appropriately. If they capped titanforging to 385 (The item level of normal battle of drazar’alor) or even 395 with the release of the raid it could be used as a catch up mechanic without ruining the hard work of players who are progressing into heroic and mythic content.

Titanforging is also used as a progression tool which I disagree with. Rather than just give a boss a 5% nerf they want players to get lucky to increase the raids overall Ilevel to make a boss killable.


It doesnt need to be removed, is fine as is…and it wont be removed.

Blizzard has already said so.

Several times.


This kind of dawned on me, but this is probably why I enjoy twinks.

I can actually chase after BiS and not worry about a proc.

We already have enchants and abilities to worry about.

I don’t know, I just felt like posting my thoughts.

Am I right, absolutely not. There possibly is a better system that could be put in place.

I just don’t agree with the system as of now.

Give us a way to unlock the extra forging.

We could open sockets on gear with professions like previous versions. We could apply item level boost as well.

I rather it be obtainable, farmable?

Not just pure luck… yeah it may be exciting, but it’s not fulfilling.

Big difference.


I don’t like a great deal of what Blizz has done to this game, but I really fail to see how you being unable to control your compulsion to chase dragons is Blizzard’s fault. Titan Forging is NOT the driving force behind progression. It’s nice if it happens, it’s almost never particularly game changing if it does because the boost to stats it gives is fairly minimal.

If you WANT to chase it, DO! If you don’t, then DON’T. Where specifically is the problem with that?


Maybe you didn’t play in legion when the Unstable arcano crystal was a thing. Do you know how powerful that trinket was? “Minimal” is not a fair word when it titanforges to cap with a socket.

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Legion’s problems are Legion’s problems. Can’t help but notice it’s not Legion anymore.

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Great topic, very passionate about this one and I think it will truely fix the game. Check out my post about the same thing as well.


If you want to play at a higher level in this game you are sadly forced to do this

Personal opinion - I can’t stand titanforging or warforging. I feel like the whole thing is a serious slope we fell down big time. I despise the reality that we’ve traded fulfillment for lottery chances.


Blizzard has said many things several times and gone back on its word because the community WAS right.

Example: “Classic”


I’m sick of games that are becoming a casino slot machine in general. Or pay-to-win [e.g. ingame gameshop.


You just had to remind me of one of the most frustrating trinkets that I never obtained… :sob:


I miss the fulfillment, that’s the biggest thing to stress.

I want to earn the best version of an item. Now that multiple versions exist, it’s just blah.

I’d much rather them attempt to revive professions and allow us to have a growing economy and apply these sorts of things to our gear.

Increasing the item level, opening up sockets.

There’s many options. I just think forging is poop.


Its the exact same this expansion. WQ trinkets are some of the best trinkets in the game. Paladin BiS is off a world boss…


Like think about it, if they brought back professions and allowed us to apply these kinds of things to our gear.

There wouldn’t be a problem at all. Unless you can’t farm gold, but that’s a different issue.

At least when you receive a piece of gear, you KNOW you have the only version of it and if you have the funds to beef it up, by all means.


I saw a fresh 110 warlock get a 925 with a socket during ToS… It was at that point where I have yet to even get one on one of my 4 characters at base item level.