Tired of Dying to Layers

Dying to a layer is like if you were in a dungeon, say Gnomeregan, and suddenly you get ported into a new fresh Gnomeregan, surrounded by a fresh set of enemies that you and your team, which is now on a different layer, just killed but now you are alone and will almost certainly die because of the layer switch. How can other players defend such an unfair, not to mention NOT originally part of Classic, system?

I really want to go-agane but I feel like I’ll just die to getting layered from my party.
Examples. A lot of these clips are lower levels but this can really happen at any level:


I see two solutions to fixing this:

  1. Remove layers (won’t happen cuz Blizzard is hellbent on allowing all players to play with the big streamers, so for that we need 1-mega realm)

  2. All layer QoL/UI to the game, or common sense layering mechanic to the game.
    a) Layer QoL/UI would look like an option on your map that would show you all open layers. You would default to your party’s layer upon login. This would prevent some deadly layering to occur, as I know many of you that have tried HC have probably witnessed first hand. Other MMOs have players default to their party/guild’s layer.
    b) simply having players default to party layer would be enough of a fix

  3. (ok 3 solutions*) Revamp Character Stuck to prevent abuse and prevent unintended deaths. This could simply by done by porting character’s to their racial capitol or Hearthstone-home.


Yes that is why I am not super careful while group questing. I was helping friends on a level 19 toon. We cleared everything out in that cave, then I drop the group…and pop into a layer with everything still there and my group was still in their layer…So I rejoined the group and all the NPCs from the layer I just left that were attacking me went into our layer and killed us all.
3 layers up currently there used to be 4. Of course I got called a troll and a liar when I said we have layers in HC. At least now someone else can come in and post proof.

I died…wiped my entire group…because of a layer. Lol. They all got slightly upset.

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I sympathize with your story. I really hope this could get addressed.

This can also occur from disconnects/relogging. So it can occur even if you are careful with grouping.

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