Playing on Skull Rock HC was in a party working on the quest "The Algaz Gauntlet " killing Orcs in the transition zone into the Wetlands from Loch Modan. I was disconnected from the server even though my Discord chat and internet were still active and was able to load back in within 30 seconds. However, I was loaded into the same spot I was, where everyone else was, but onto a different layer than the rest of my party and was completely alone and instantly under attack. The rest of my party could see me on their mini-map but do nothing to stop me from dying. I wasn’t going to be able to afford my sub next month but I was having a really good time and was going to pinch and make it work. How do I play and dedicate my money time and energy if I can’t trust that I’ll be loaded onto the same layer as my group when in a hostile area? This was the definition of a program failure on Blizzard’s end. It is an unacceptable issue on hardcore servers and I hope that this issue can be addressed. Thanks for any consideration, really.
Softcore is that way ------->
softcore is the way to what ? I dont understand. Its the way to blizzard fixing a unintended broken server managment system ? please explain. I wasnt disconnected or my pc didnt crash, there was no power outage, no cat running across keyboard. I was mistakenly layer transferred by a broken system unrelated to anything on my end. ya know the layer system meant to increase the playablility and stability of a server, not destroy it.
it does seem like the server should detect if you are in a group and put you on the same layer as them when you log in. unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work that way, at least not all the time, and I doubt blizzard is gonna change it you can take solace in knowing that your death will be a lesson for us all.
to never group up! Just solo the way to 60 go go go
Lots of people been d/cing from HC. And this is on Blizzard’s end, not theirs. I have seen many vids of people who get booted off the server but still have internet connection. I was d/ced from HC yet was able to log into retail. I logged back into HC barely in time to save myself.
Layering seems pretty instant now.
Best bet for the future of something like this happens again is to drop group and get a reinv and hope.
How I am level 1 and could not see my level 10 friend while we were both in SW at the same time on HC while in a group. And I thought it didn’t happen there? It may have been a glitch, but why design it like that if it is not a glitch.
oh, I get it, the nuance of the situation is beyond your grasp. I’m sorry, I think maybe you should go where you belong, with all the other pompous condescending children. I wouldn’t know where that is but I’m betting you do.
Welcome to the forums. People here just like to poke you with idiotic responses.
Still, the truth is…you die, you die. When you make a character you agree that you might die ‘unfairly’. You just have to deal with it.
That doesn’t change the fact the Hardcore server is a buggy mess thanks to the layering and hyperspawn issues. But that’s not a hardcore exclusive issue. It’s just bad design. It’s perfectly fine to say layering and hyperspawns don’t work right, aren’t designed well, and go against the spirit of Vanilla. But at the end of the day…you agree to the nonsense.
Dont worry about that guy, I think hes a bit softcore in the head lol
It is 10x worse than it was in original Classic. I had a level 9 in SW and could not trade with my level 1 friend to give them stuff so I had to mail it. And SW didn’t have layers I thought? All I have heard says that it does not… there would be no reason to do so anyways. Big time exploit in Legion was to move in and out of your layer during world PvP, so effectively phasing out so you can drink and eat and heal up real fast then come back in… cheating.
Tell us you don’t understand layering without telling us you don’t understand layering.
In original version it did not.