The Layering Is A Little Too Much

Sure, it’s nice to have little to no competition in questing but when it gets to the point where I am basically playing single player wow on launch night there is a problem. Can this be toned down a little bit?

That’s a pretty minor complaint in the grand scheme of things I suppose, the launch was decent otherwise however I think that it’s a bit of an issue to have the layering be so apparent.


Layering? People are dying mate


This was not my experience. While there was competition, I wasn’t searching for something/anything to kill all evening. I felt the balance was good. I was in Teldrassil.


Hopefully the layering gets pulled back. Or at least after the starting zones. This morning on Friday EST at 8am there were 9 layers. So the one I was on felt empty. I figure the time I was on was enough to reduce the population without as many layers. But…that was just my observation. I would have liked to be able to go to the more populated layer.


It took me over an hour to do first 2 quests as a human due to lack of mobs and so many people lol

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yea that’s true for the first couple hours of launch. after that however it drastically became different. My HC character is now level 18 and all the westfall and darkshore quests I have done I basically have never seen another human being doing the same quest. Sometimes we’d pass on the road maybe but that was about it. And it was like just one or two other people I would see.

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Layering should not exist at all, it ruins the game completely.


I agree that layering shouldn’t exist at all, but the alternative is that we would need 10 different servers, just to merge them all together 2 weeks from now. I don’t want to have to change my name just because some guy leveled to 6, parked his toon in goldshire and never logged again. As the game’s “newness” wears off for the majority of players, we will shrink down to 1 layer. Prior to the HC hype, I rarely saw more than 2 or more layers on whitemane.


I had just the opposite experience, in the N.E. area on Defias.

So many people it looked like a massacre for most of the evening. We had to group up just to kill the little nightsabers on the first quest. People were lined up for the Zenn quest ‘ribbit’ I couldn’t even take the quest at first because he was almost always a frog. :frog:

I think you just got really lucky on whatever layer you were in.


Yeah world feels absolutely dead now, was really enjoying the WPvP and grouping for quests but now I see no one about at all

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Completely agree!!! No more layering!

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Agree totally, they did this in 2019 as well.

This is and always will be an unrealistic desire of some classic players.

We have decades and numerous games that used an oldschool server model showing you why it’s bad and why it never works out long-term. For some godforsaken reason Amazon was dumb enough to try it again with their brand new MMO. Queues and desperate pleas for server transfers and merging were a significant contributing factor to New World losing 90% of its original playerbase I’d guess (and will cause major recurring issues if they ever manage to attract returning players someday to their now much smaller server list of merged servers).

Layering is a million times better than dealing with long queues during peaks and then dead servers a month+ later as people wait/beg for transfers and mergers constantly.

Disagree. I came to play wow classic as it was in 2004. They should remove the layering because of this reason - to keep it as close it was back then. I want to re-live this game as it was, as I enjoyed it nearly 20 years ago lol. I think most would agree this layering is overkill. Org on my server is now dead. This killed world PVP also.

FYI - I heard they removing the layers in a server restart (Wohoooo party time)

Ah yes, lets lock everyone into servers with a 2k player limit and try to manage dozens or hundreds of them. The popular ones will have a 10 hour login queue for the first month. Then when 90% of them are empty one month later we’ll slowly merge them and give free transfers.

If they can turn off layering entirely with only two servers and not have a long login queue there probably aren’t that many people playing it. Which is fine, but still not an argument for oldschool server models being a good model anyone should ever use again.

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I never had those issues you mentioned. I came to play it how it was and looks like the majority folks agree, the layering is bad (especially for pvp server) as they are removing it.


Yea, I tend to see most people making statements about layering not actually have any understanding of any logistics of population and server management.

It’s also extremely unlikely that they removed layering entirely unless there’s very few players on the servers. They’d more likely just adjust how many players per layer were allowed to make it seem more crowded if they thought it was too sparse.

Same thing in the Forsaken zone on Skull Rock. It took forever to collect the crates, and I had to do it twice after dying on my way to Brill. :rofl:

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Was just on my druid on Defias Pillagers and there were tons of folks around questing buffing waving all that it felt surreal. Gonna get some dinner then afterwards gonna go earn my bear form at since I just hit 10

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