Address Layers Please

Nothing says Classic Era like a super-realm with a dozen different open world instances ready to bug out in a 1-life game mode. (Sarcastic!)

(1) Please either remove layers, or (2) give us a no layer Realm. Layers are annoying not to mention not an original feature/bug of Classic.

I don’t know why HC Shot Callers (Blizz) seem dead set on keeping layers turned on - removal of layers are unlikely, I think (3) a layer UI feature needs to be added that will keep you on that layer for some period of time after you d/c, if you d/c of course. This feature could also let you change layers with a cooldown. This is simply the reality of playing Classic HC. Why not just add it to the UI so all players can easily experience this feature and not suffer from its bugs?

Example of a layer UI/QoL from a free-to-play MMO:

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That’s precious.

While layers were likely required at launch, populations have dropped significantly, and now even during peak periods never seem particularly high, at this point none of the zones are crowded. Currently the negative impacts of the layers especially on HC seem to significantly outweigh the positives which are mainly to eliminate server congestion which isn’t an issue on either HC server.

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