Timers added to Torghast

People are considering soft timers to be hard timers.


There is no numeric countdown, but spending more time on a floor causes progressively more pain until it kills your run. It doesnā€™t technically have a time limit, thereā€™s just a limit to how much time you can spend.

Any mechanism that takes the choice of when I start a battle away from me, or causes drama in a group because someone wants to go fast because of the pressure mechansim and others have to pause for ā€œReal Lifeā€ reasons, is a ā€œtimerā€.

Hard, soft, theyā€™re all a pain in the butt, and lazy game development, and not needed, as there are good workarounds that lets Blizzard maintain game design balance and does not take away the player agency from the players.

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My apologies then friend.

No, its on me. When I post from my crappy tablet (which wasnā€™t crappy until the forums were redone) I tend to write in short bursts, as I fight focusing problems of where the cursor goes and what is seen between Android and Blizzards javascript coding. I could have elaborated better.

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There likely are but the timer might be the best way, because

Might be used by some, not you mind, to defend trash like ā€œI want to wait till my big CDs are upā€ or ā€œI want to AFK for sleep and come back to my exact spotā€. The issue is things like ā€œplayer agencyā€ also needs to be kept in balance with what the developers intend. Give players too much agency and they will try to pull all kinds of stuff, take away too much and they will not be happy due to feeling forced to play one way.

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Its no different though that what we have today. Players today can wait for a CD to finish before pulling a raid/dungeon/world boss. Thatā€™s not game breaking, and Torghast is and the end of a day just a dungeon.

And as I mentioned elsewhere, Blizzard can add a class-by-class debuff that limits how many times a large CD ability/spell can be used per floor.

Edit: Thereā€™s gotta be another reason why Blizzard wants timers, and they are not telling us. Until they do, any conversations we have is not productive.



official blue reply from Dungeon and Raid Alpha

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I recall something about them not wanting Torghast to be the only thing players do during the week. I.E. the reason would tie more into

The CDs are likely jsut what they used to claim, as that is something most can see happening, but there could also be those that, especially if it is a keyed entry, will want to stay in for the whole week if at all possible.

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Seen it. ā€œOnce bitten, twice shyā€, or my personal favorite, ā€œI can believe you, or my lying eyes.ā€

The fact that they donā€™t even mention the alternative of using a debuff to limit large CD ability usage makes me think that they are trying to P.R. their way out of this, and are being intellectually dishonest, instead of really working with their customers and ā€œhearing themā€.

Time will tell. I hope Iā€™m wrong.

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Well if nothing else, server reset would stop that.

I can right now go into any raid/dungeon and stay in there all day if I want, hell, probably all week (Iā€™ll never test that out to see though, waste of $15).

Have you ever tried soloing current BFA dungeons? I find it actually quite fun and a rewarding (to me) challenge.

ooking this. How many casuals actually got into the alpha test and arenā€™t just youtube shills trying to promote their product.

Iā€™ve soloā€™d old raids and found that enjoyable. Close enough?

At the end of the day, I want to feel powerful, not challenged, and definitely not beaten down. I can go to work and earn money, if I want to feel challenged. And I donā€™t mind being challenged, if I also feel powerful. Its my recreational time, not my stressful work time.


then they wonder why healers are one of the lowest demographics in the roles played. I love you healers even if blizzard doesnā€™t.


I had two people tell me that they are casuals so far. From everything Iā€™ve seen on YouTube, between Bellular, Preach, etc., alpha testers all seem like non-casuals. /shrug

OH, this was more just curious if you found that content style fun, as it can be tuned to provide a certain level of personal challenge without timers.

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Forgive me, but the outrage will happen anyhow. Donā€™t expect logic to stop it.

Is it a good idea? Iā€™m not entirely sure I agree with it. You can take a break before boss fights in a raid, and even frequently in non-Mythic+ instances (unless you have a lot of time to spare), to let your cds finish. Why you shouldnā€™t be able to do that in Torghast Iā€™m not sure.

I would say to Blizzard - if you want people to play their classes as they do in other competitive areas, then let the same rules apply. There is already the limiting factor of too many deaths = a huge unkillable ugly coming after us. I donā€™t really see any need to add yet another thing that really adds nothing to the fun.


Drathiel take that attitude right the hell out of here you ookin space goat goody goody, lemme tell you something. Blizzard has ABSOLUTELY ZERO. THAT IS 0.00% GOOD WILL with the player base after the crap chute that is BFA and how they handled WC 3 reforged among other PR disasters that have occurred since the launch of BFA. They DO NOT DESERVE to be trusted that they will listen to feed back when they have spent the better part of 2 years COMPLETELY IGNORING ANY AND ALL FEEDBACK by beta testers, method raiders, streamers or the community in general. Gimme a break with this blind company loyalty already.

edit: NOT ONLY DID THEY IGNORE OUR FEEDBACK THEY WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY TO GO THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION! See: Make essences boa and how long it took to get that ship out of the harbor or making essences class specific which was requested largely in 8.1 to make up for lack of class design.


Covenant abilities are very simple, MAKE THEM LIKE DRAENOR ZONE ABILITIES AND ONLY ACTIVE DURING WORLD QUEST / WARMODE DONE. If they link them to end game progression in any shape or fashion itā€™s because they couldnā€™t get the class restructures right to begin with and needed a crutch.

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