Time for full quel'dorei/high elf customization on Void Elves

my hair is white and eyes are lavender on this char and would you please quit acting like blonde hair or blue eyes or both, is a bad thing. i’m a blue eyed blonde and all this ugh blonde/blue is giving me a complex


I wasn’t talking about you. Nor was I implying it’s a bad thing. I was simply saying that the “True” high elf fans tend to hyper focus on those traits. Sometimes at the expense of all else.

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well players like to make idealized versions of themselves. i’m really not a svelte or pretty elf looking person. but i woulda enjoyed being both. since i’m nearly 70 irl, this will not happen lol no matter how many vitamins i take.


Missing my point, but I’m not doing a good enough job illustrating it so the fault is mine. Look I don’t know how else to explain it. Whatever, Blood elves are demons the second they took fel in. Void elves are twisted abominations. There are no Playable High elves. I’m done.

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see what i mean, the wow orc is a noble hero and you selected it cause its your ideal. you handled that with such tact and finesse.

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High Elves deserve to be a proper allied race with appropriate intro and racials.

Would not work having them be introduced as void elves.


Void elves already have high elves customization options (same as Blood Elves)… what are these people even asking for?


it seems the op wants a full on high elf race thats playable on alliance. by full on i mean, with their own city and the high elf name tag, and high elf racials. personally, i thought half elves would be better because they could still use the belf skeleton but have their own animations and hairstyles. youd know right away they arent blood elves. but, blizz was saving up new full on race slot for dracthyr

I’m thankful for it. But I wish the eyes that ended up being dragon eyes were available to me. I want my eyes to emit red rage. And I still hope for tattoos and scars.


I just kinda want hairstyles that don’t all look like beachy waves. So more hairstyles. Straight hair this time.


and buns for females and coifed short hair too for males

Your mockery is noted. Goodbye and have a good day.

Also Orcs are not nor ever will be “A noble hero”. They are and forever will be villainous, evil monsters who’s sole desire is the destruction of all things. Warlords of Draenor illustrated that perfectly and it falls in line with the Tolkien Orc which is the only Orc acceptable in fantasy.

God I’m tired, pissed off (mainly at myself). Sticking this thread on Mute.

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i wasnt mocking you. you will see. thrall is back. and hes quite noble.

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Are you serious with this question? 'Cause I keep a list around and even a whole file of pictures and mock ups just so I know what’s up.

(also might have my own thread like my void elf and blood elf threads in the works.)


you mean a legit helf thread? /blinks


I hesitate to say “legit” as though mine would be anymore legit that any other…

It would be a high elf thread up to my standard with the attempt to keep up with current (within reason) high elf requests and to give high elf fans a dedicated well maintained place to talk… Rather than needing to make a new thread every few weeks.

But mine isn’t ready to go yet. (I’m also waiting for the Legacy of the Quel’dorei discord to give me a go ahead.)


There have been already enough of them in the past, which just need to be brought back with a single push. And I find it amusing that you need to ask a discord server to give you their blessings to start a topic. Taking this way too seriously for a mere playable subrace. Just open one up and you will see if people will accept it or not.

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shhhh, fen does good race threads. :smile:


I appreciate that.

Folk can check out my other threads here. My high elf one will be of similar design.

Fenelon's Threads

Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin’dorei) - By Kyuu (Fenelon)

Furbolg Discussion Thread - By Fenelon

Kul’tiran Love & Customization Thread - By Morbann (Fenelon)

Mechagnome Customization - By Coaxial (Fenelon)

Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren’dorei) - By Fenelon

Less that more they asked me to post at the same time they completed something neat. Nothing wrong with linking up with a community of the topic of the thread. Plus I am a mod there so…


I love this one, just saying. :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: