Timbered Sky Snake Mount Cant claim

I received the Timbered Sky Snake Mount and pet as a gift in the battlenet launcher however when I click claim I cannot see oceanic/american in the claim list. Is this a bug?


I didn’t even have to claim the snake from the launcher, it was already available in my collections. Have you checked your in game mount collection to see if there’s a present waiting to be unwrapped?

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Are you already on a 6- or 12-month subscription, by chance? The system might have already flagged you for it in that region.

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I have the same issue with everything showing EU/Taiwan, the mount auto-claimed but is still showing as unopened in my gifts, but the pet didn’t get sent to me in game.


The pet is only available in cata classic, if you’re checking your retail collection it won’t be there unless you bought the retail pet which is available separately from the shop.


Curiously, even the subscription “freebie” is acting the same. Both as a gift claim and already wrapped in collections.

I’m getting the same issue as you. Won’t let me claim in US region only TW, KR and EU region.


Thanks, all! We’re letting some folks know.


Hi i am from EU,

we have the same issue except we can choose US, KR and TW but not EU.

It also seems to happen to other promos such as the Razer store.

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Folks, if you are running into this - can you check to see if it was already added to your collection?


It was double-gifted to me, confirmed (and briefly confused).

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Double gifted but missing the pet in game, claim from gifts shows both mount and pet but only Eastern Regions and Europe and not NA

The pet is for cata classic, not retail.


Ah, thanks

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I am now seeing the gift claim on the launcher, even though I unwrapped both the mount (Retail) and the pet (Cata Classic) earlier today.


It was showing as a gift on the launcher, but unclaimable as others stated. In-game however, it was shown as an unopened gift in my mount journal. Unwrapped and all is good. :slight_smile:

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Okay yep logged in and it was already in my collection. Seems odd why youd also geta gift in the launcher.

p.s. i have a 12 month sub.

It didn’t happen to me, but it happened to my friend on her account.

The mount was added to my collection automatically. When I logged on for the first time today, I was given the option to get it for EU/TW/KR.


Same thing in my collection but also have a gift.

Just wanna follow the thread and see where this goes :slight_smile: