Timbered Sky Snake Mount Cant claim

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I’m on Oceanic and have a 6 month sub. The gift icon appeared on the loader but when I clicked on it the text box was empty. It came back after I closed and reopened the loader, same thing happened. The gift icon is gone now but I still have no mount in game. No gift box to open in my mount collection either, and it’s showing as unlearned.

I saw the gift on my launcher, so I clicked it, but it did not give me an option for NA.

I logged in and check my mount list and it was a gift there, which I opened and mounted so I knew it worked.

The gift is still in my launcher but still not showing NA avaialble.


Also same issue here. No option for US, only TW, KR, and EU. Plus side - it was already in my retail and classic journals so guess ill just deal w seeing the random gift box pop up on my launcher for now.

Gift is in launcher but no American/OCE option and haven’t redeemed it - but I did have the gift in my mount collection.

Okay, after taking a break and reloading, I opened the gift window on the loader. Even though the gift icon had disappeared, after about 30 seconds the mount claim appeared, I selected my region and it worked.

Ah, there it is! Thank goodness.

Ditto I can only claim Timbered Sky Snake Mount & Timbered Air Snakelet Pet in EU/Taiwan/Korea but no Oceanic/American

Check your collections. I’d be willing to bet the mount is already on your retail license, and the pet on your Classic license.

I have received the mount in my collection and also got the gift on my launcher but giving me options other than Americas. But my girlfriend didn’t receive one for the snake or the furline.

They need to go back to the drawing board with it, I claimed mine. Imo it’s one of the worst mounts in the game. I would like to actually trade mine for any other 6 month mount reward.

I’m the picture it looks dope. But mounted it looks like a cloud serpent mount with rigamortis basically

Took a while to claim. I had the reward window open on the launcher for about 8 minutes but then it showed up and claimed easy peasy. Maybe it is just lagging?