Ticket Submitted: "A Complete Circuit"

I’d like those responsible for reviewing in-game data and bugs to review customer Support Tickets # US92929762 and US92929949 for me and the wife. “Bouncing Bolt Conduit Disabled First” is failing to give us credit to finish “A Complete Circuit” and “Glory of the Thundering Raider”.

We’ve successfully done the 3 other Conduits: Static Shock, Diffusion Chain, and Overcharge Conduit the last 3 weeks. We used the same procedure for “Bouncing Bolt Conduit Disabled First”. It will not give us credit and we cannot complete this achievement. We submitted screenshots with our tickets, please review and grant us “A Complete Circuit” and “Glory of the Thundering Raider”. We don’t want to wait till next Tuesdays reset, clear the entire Throne of Thunder to last boss, and have this bug out again. Fix it, please!

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Sorry to say, but the forums, namely the blues here, ain’t able to fix in-game issues. You’d want to make a bug report in the bug report forums to inform QA about it and they’d look into it.


Hi Lathrop. The Wowhead comments indicate you need to wait at least 60 seconds for progress to correctly track.

It may be worth giving that a shot the next time if you haven’t already. Good luck!


Already did that first, I’m following up here with Customer Support to escalate my ticket since they tend to ignore the bug report forum.

We’ve done it successfully in 3 other lockouts for the 3 other conduits. We know how to do the achievement and have read all the Wowhead comments. We did it exactly how it was supposed to have been done, but did not receive the achievement.

They don’t ignore the bug report forum, they just don’t post there.

And fair warning: if you can try again at something, Blizz tends to tell you to do that rather than manually awarding it to you. Hell, I can’t complete some quest chains, and they’re still taking a hands-off approach.

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We tried it already to the limit this week. We ran it on 10 Normal, then immediately tried again on LFR. You only get 2 lockouts per week for Throne of Thunder: One on Normal/Heroic/Mythic and one on LFR. I’m not asking for a handout.

Let me be clear for those who are unfamiliar with A Complete Circuit. You have to do all 4 lockouts on the same character. It’s not like I can jump on another character and make an attempt this week. I’m 3/4 on one character. It would take 3 weeks to catch up another character to where I’m at now.

Didn’t say you were, I’m saying Blizz tends not to give it to you if you can do it again, and lately doesn’t necessarily do it even if you can’t. Trying to cushion the blow, as it were.

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I’m aware of all the outcomes, just pissed I might have to wait another 7 days for another try. I always take responsibility when it’s my fault, but seriously, I’ve done 3/4 of this achievement no problem, and done it twice today and it bugged. This one’s not on me! I just want my achievement so I can move on to the next one. Making me wait another week, with the possibility of the achievement failing to give me credit again, is a serious waste of my time.

I have to wait 7 days to check if the achievement is still bugged, how is that fair and a good use of my time? That’s all I’m saying. Thats why I want them to review the logs and be granted the achievement. I seriously doubt they will give me anything, but it’s worth asking so I dont have to re-clear that hell hole again next week.

Chances are I will try again next week and get it because apparently, I am not worthy of it this week… I don’t mean to come across as rude, but I have been running a lot of the old content lately and noticed a lot of bugs that prevent progress, submitted tickets, and this ain’t the first lockout gone to waste.

The GMs will not come to this forum for input. Your only approach is via the ticket, although as you’re aware it’s unlikely you may get the outcome you’re after.

I understand you’re frustrated. It may be worth taking a few minutes and let things simmer.

May I also make a suggestion? It sounds like you’re doing this achievement in a group, so this suggestion may be doable for you:

Try taking an alt, if you have one, along for the next ride. For instance, your wife could go on the toon she normally goes on, but you can go on an alt, all the way to the final boss. Once you reach the final boss, drop from the group and have her invite your regular toon, then join the fight. This should have the effect of saving the raid lockout to the alt that you ran up to the final boss, so that if the achievement bugs again, you can try reforming with the alt as the leader of the group, which should hopefully make that boss available again for your normal toons. Rinse and repeat as necessary. Hopefully I made sense there.


Im just gona cut to the chase u mite as well close ur ticket GM dont handle bugs or hand out achievements they would tell u just to run it again. Posting here also wont get it any traction either GM or the QA dont come here either.


Raid lockouts aren’t working like that for Legacy content that I know of. We’ve tried. Let’s say you get 2 toons saved to the same lockout at 8/9 bosses in. On Toon #1 you do 9/9 and have to redo it. Once you do 9/9 on one toon, as soon as Toon #2 zones into the instance they are advised the instance is now 9/9 even though they were saved at the 8/9 point, and it asks them to save to 9/9 or leave.

So there’s really no way to save a bunch of lockouts on alts and try again. They don’t become seperate lockouts if 1 alt proceeds further into the instance off the same Raid ID, they are all the same lockout no matter what character it is. We’ve tried. Unless you know a different technique.

Yep it’s a lost cause and pointless, I get it, but coming on the forums and venting seems to make it feel better. I don’t expect the Bug Reports or Customer Support Ticket to fix anything. At this point the achievement is sheer luck, not skill based.

By chance, are you referring to Mythic difficulty? I know that Mythic works like this, including legacy Mythic raids. I think the 10-man/25-man versions also work like that to some extent (e.g. WotLK ICC).

As far as MoP lockouts are concerned, I had a Heroic Siege lockout saved on an alt that I used for Tusks farming. It’s been a few months or so since I’ve done it, but as long as that alt is the leader, I didn’t have any issues. I would form the group, enter the instance on the toon that I want to kill Garrosh on, have the alt pass lead and then have the alt drop the group. The alt did not need to enter the instance.

Of course, we have a skip for Siege coming, so that method won’t be necessary soon, but it works for the time being.

Let me try it for myself on ToT. I’ll down a couple bosses and report back.

We tried setting it to 10 N/H, 25 N/H, and Mythic, we toggled back and forth and found that 10 N/H, 25 N/H, and Mythic all share the same lockout. LFR is the only separate lockout. Every time we zoned into 10 N/H, 25 N/H, and Mythic, it was the same instance we already cleared. Thats why we tried it on LFR for the 2nd opportunity since that’s a separate lockout. You only get 2 lockouts per week for Pandaria raids (Legacy in General): 1 LFR lockout and 1 anything else (10 N/H, 25 N/H, and Mythic) = 2 clears per week.

The only thing that resets is trash after 31 minutes if you’re logged out. As far as I know, you can’t reset Raid Bosses, they don’t respawn, and you can’t reset a Mythic raid, only the Mythic dungeons.

I can confirm the method does not work with H ToT, although it is still working with H Siege. I suspect the line between the two is whether Mythic is an available difficulty.

Sorry :frowning:

I know you can run Terrace of Endless Spring on Normal or Heroic then run it on a separate lockout on Mythic. The lockouts are inconsistent across the board. Each instance appears to have its own lockout characteristic, despite numerous articles mentioning a standardized approach for Legacy content.

For the Pandaria raids, only Siege of Orgrimmar has a Mythic difficulty.

Yes, you are correct. Even though it lets you set it to Mythic before you zone in, it puts you in whatever the last difficulty was, despite it saying you are on Mythic. I believe that’s how it has been working for me.

Yes, we are given the option in via our character settings to set raids to Normal, Heroic, or Mythic (same options we have for dungeons), but of course those only apply to instances that offer those difficulties. Same as we are given the option to change the raid size (10 man vs. 25 man), but not every raid has those sizes available.

A bug report gets it in front of the people who actually work on such things. A ticket doesn’t, and posting in any forum other than the Bug Report Forum does nothing. GMs answer tickets and they do not fix bugs, nor can they grant you an achievement that the system doesn’t recognize you as having earned.


It’s part of the process of getting the problem documented so they can fix it once and for all. Now there’s a track record and history established.

I’m at the point where next time I run Throne of Thunder I will video record the achievement failure, upload it to YouTube, and tweet the video at Blizzard to fix this.

If I was a streamer or had social media clout this would be insta fixed and I would get my achievement granted no problem.