Ticket Submitted: "A Complete Circuit"

This is a peer to peer help desk with assistance from Support Forum Agents. They are not GMs nor devs. There is no one here to escalate anything.

This is incorrect. They don’t usually post, but they do not ignore it.

That’s already established with bug reports. Not tickets.

Also false.


Most of us have been playing for years and frequenting this forum for just as long we know how the system works.


This isn’t about playing the game. What I told you is factual information on how the system works.

That’s what we’re here to do as the CS forum.


As you seem to think that you can somehow get a ticket escalated here or that streamers get bugs fixed, which is inaccurate, then you do not know the things you were told.

Disliking information you were given does not make someone a troll.

I’ve been here since Vanilla. People have given you the information needed. You simply do not like it. That doesn’t change that there is nothing else to be done aside from a bug report. That is all there is.

No one can fix a bug except the devs. The devs need to be told of said bug, which will be added to the long list of bugs that need fixed.

While it isn’t what you like, that doesn’t make it incorrect or a troll.


The only solution is to post your issue in the Bug Report Forum so that the correct people can see it and triage it for when they might fix it. They do not come to this forum, and the blue posters here are not liaison to them. After that, you wait for them to fix it.


Listen, I get your frustration. This last week my SoO run got scuffed and sadly there was no recourse. The Blackfuse mobs wouldn’t actually come on the platform so I was prevented from finishing the raid.

That being said this is primarly a player-to-player help forum. Most of the folks who post on here offer sound advice and the customer service reps generally only get involved when there’s clarification to be had.

You lashing out calling those who had the audacity to try to help you trolls and such ain’t going to help you much. While the CS reps can do some fancy tricks this sounds well beyond their means. Outside of the things suggested here I don’t think there’s too much more to try.

It sucks but ain’t thinking you’re getting much of a solution to your issue here.

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Hey thanks for pointing that out I really thought the Devs were more active on the forums but it ain’t like the ole’ days. I apologize for being argumentative, but it ticks me off that I spend days grinding these achievements and reach points of failure that seem out of my control.

Also, while I was stewing, I went and knocked out Glory of the Tomb Raider and got all of Glory of the Draenor Raider done except for “Would You Give me a Hand”. I was wrong to think making a post on here would solve it. Thanks for all your help and sorry if I’m cranky, I’ve been grinding out these Legacy achievements the last few weeks and it’s exhausting. Maybe I need to take a break for a couple days to refresh.

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Like I said, totally get it. Just keep in mind people are only replying to try to help and as players there’s only so much they can do.

Anything posted here isn’t going to be looked at by anyone on the dev team. Really best thing you can do is send a bug report either in game or on the Bug Report forum and that will be your best shot for preventing this sort of thing happening again not just for you, but for others too.

A bit of a break never hurt anything, maybe put some time into some other games or something. Been doing that a lot recently. Best of luck to you on your future endeavors.

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