Would you have preferred that WoW originally launched with high elves as the 4th alliance race instead of gnomes?
While I have grown fond of gnomes, I must admit that they seemed like a very odd inclusion to the alliance at the time. When I questioned where they came from, the response would always be the singular Warcraft 3 unit: gnomish flying machine.
Including high elves would have simply made Elves the refugees instead of gnomes, and made Quel’Thalas the dungeon equivalent of Gnomeregan.
Do you personally wish that this would have been done instead?
That indeed would have been preferable: even if they do become the newest Alliance refugee race. Seems to be the thing for Alliance these days.
Still not too late to rectify this terrible mistake: all while keeping the Gnomes, of course.
I still say to just make it an appearance in the barbershop. Only allowable by Void elves and Blood elves, since they are both High elves, and Thalassian.
My personal opinion has always been they gave them to Horde because of the huge imbalance as it was. If Alliance got them, Horde would’ve been worse than they are now. Look at Classic population, its hugely skewed unless its one of the few PVP realms thats Horde heavy.
Well, considering this thread is in voilation with the CoC due to there being another thread about the same topic, fine then. I’ll just flag and move on.
I’d still say Alliance-only tbh. High Elves are pretty solidly Alliance-leaning, and Blood Elves seem to be gaining golden eyes because of the light-infused Sunwell, rather than reverting to Blue.
Agreed in general with the barbershop idea though. Just appease High Elf fans through Void Elf options, no need to waste another Allied Race slot or fantasize about replacing another race with yet another Elf skin.
They are not. Blood elves are still high elves, they just chose a political faction after Alleria took them out of the Alliance when she had that hissy fit right before going with Turalyon to Outlands. She was pissed because of her brothers death.
I’m aware it’s a purely political distinction, but part of that difference is also why only Blood Elves have green eyes, and not the High Elves. The eye color is the visual indicator to distinguish the 2.
The high elves , or quel’dorei (“children of noble birth” in Darnassian and Thalassian), are a race descended from the night elf Highborne who left Kalimdor and settled in the Eastern Kingdoms, founding Quel’Thalas. … However, a few high elves did not rename themselves blood elves .
Quoted directly from the Wowpedia page. I do believe Nightborne are also Thalassian since they were with Azshara, but I could be wrong on that. Political faction doesn’t stop someone being born a High Elf.
I never said a playable race did I? We already have high elves just in a different political faction. All I said, was the barbershop option. Don’t get salty at that, if the Sunwell is purified the new elves being born to the other ones, technically could get their blue eyes back. We’ve already got the golden ones, why would’t or couldn’t they open up more options?
And I’m not being a jerk about it, I’m being nicer than most and saying void elves should also. Its 2019 the game has been out since 2004. Lets stop acting like High Elves are exclusive to Alliance when every book I’ve read, or novel I’ve read, has featured the Windrunner sisters, and even discuss how they left the Alliance because of the forests near their home being burnt down and the Alliance kings not doing anything about it.