Those asking for high elves:

Well, come on now. Let’s not pretend that nuanced intra-faction tension in novels actually affects the alignment of races in WoW.

It never made sense for Nightelves to declare war on Tauren so they could ally with pollution spewing dwarves and lumber chopping humans, yet here we are.

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pretty sure it was warcraft 2 not 3. which makes it even more ridiculous to me haha. People got mad at Pandas but they had just as much, if not more, representation in the rts games than gnomes

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Na bruh, High Elves have been in the game since Vanilla, on the Alliance, just not playable, I talk to them daily in classic, and /laugh knowing the horde will never get them on my realm


Void Elves would beg to differ.

Not asking for them but I would have preferred that. In Vanilla the feel on the Alliance was you were a Nelf or one sized human or another. Everyone says they’re different races, but they didn’t look that way. The Horde had distinct races. The Alliance really didn’t.

Frankly, they should have given us Pandaren.

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I’m only pointing out that she took them out of the Alliance, no more, no less. And then the game developers made their decision. Just pointing that out, cause you guys say they are Alliance leaning. I’m not the one that made that decision but I think it’d be silly to add another elf race. If they change their minds, more power to you all.

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I think the Nightborne contained a mix of highborne and regular class night elves. Tyrande and, i believe, the stormrage bros were originally from suramar and weren’t highborne if i recall


You’re right, they were in WC2 as well.

People were never upset that pandaren existed, they just didn’t like them being put center stage.


I think it was because of Kung Fu panda being made into a movie, and people complaining who hadn’t played Vanilla or WC3 to know of Chen and the Pandas :c

Ha, ha, what a very funny and original comment. I am simply laughing SO HARD right now.

Part of the reason I dont want TBC is because blood elves absolutely ruined faction identity within the Horde, just because some analyst thought forcing a “pretty race” in the Horde despite having a lore/aesthetic design that’s completely antithetical to the whole bloody point of the Horde would be a good idea.

They made so many horrible decisions in TBC that completely %#1& on what makes Warcraft III and Vanilla so appealing in the first place. Cramming high elves into a faction they dont belong into was one of them.


at least as I recall everybody at the time kept claiming they were “copying” kung fu panda which came out around the same time, even though pandaren monks (brewmasters) had been around in wc3

Blood elves, imo, wouldve fit better (even if still not the best fit) if they had kept the addiction problem so that they had that element of savagery (being forced to suck the mana out of things) instead of just fixing it at the end of the xpac and them not really having any problems after that.

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Blood elves could’ve worked if they doubled down on the “dark elf” aesthetic. Aesthetic-wise, something like dark elves would make perfect sense in the Horde, and it would provide a new, distinct type of elf filling a different fantasy people can fulfill, like how Elder Scrolls has wood elves, high elves, and dark elves.

But they didn’t do that. They just took high elves and crammed them into the Horde, throwing some flimsy lore excuses into there as to why. Now there are so many blood elves that half the Horde might as well be “Alliance but living in a desert”

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I honestly think they put them in horde just to balance the factions. Having all the pretty races on one faction didn’t help population lol

And if you don’t believe this, get an updated realm pop list from Classic, it’ll show you how skewed it is :slight_smile:

They didn’t need blood elves to “balance the factions”. That’s an argument I have heard time and time again, and it never makes any sense.

If it’s actually true that the Horde was behind in numbers before blood elves came out, then why does Classic pretty much have an equal number of players on each side?

And if Blizzard really wanted a pretty race, they could have added half-orcs for the Horde, with high elves being an Alliance race. Just as the high elves stem night elves but with many cultural and a few physical difference, half-orcs could be distinct from orcs while still offering their own fantasy. You could choose between the half-orc having a human heritage, to offer that aesthetic of a more humanized orc (like how orcs have an upright option in BFA), and most importantly the “pretty race” gimmick, or an ogre heritage to double down on the less human elements of orcs.

The burden of proof is on you. Please, provide your proof that this is the case, or I’m calling bull on that statement.

Yes. Yes we did.


I prefer medium elves.

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Best time to be high elf fan, Blizzcon, there’s always a chance they’ll be announced, one year it’ll happen, one year…

Last year wasn’t our year, maybe 2019 will be more kind.

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