This... wasn't very fun

Its auto attack city all the way through 60.

Yeah, I liked mop as well but towards then end of legion to me it was better. The beginning was awful for legion but after the change it got better. The last 3 to 4 months I really cant say I didn’t enjoy it.

If you’re bored with combat at low levels it doesn’t change that much at higher levels.

The combat system is 15-years-old and reflects a simpler time. Gameplay mechanics are quite simple and easy compared to modern WoW.

That said, depending on class, it may get more exciting. Mages in Vanilla can AOE farm mobs at higher levels. My favorite method was to gather 7-10 mobs, Cone of Cold them and then spam arcane explosion to kill them… all while trying to stay at 5-10 yards from the pack. Just out of melee range, but inside arcane explosion range. I’d take hits since Cone of Cold’s snare only lasts 8 seconds and it had a 10 second cooldown. But it was a lot of fun.

Mages have to be level 30 before they have the spells to farm that way.

Yep. It’s boring, it’s slow, but at least you don’t die. Short of funneling gold, warrior is also boring and slow but you die a lot.

Better than classic teir sets, which only exist for one spec per class. And with the azerite traits it seems like they were trying to replace set bonuses with something more dynamic, didn’t exactly work out but I like the idea.

Nah that’s a good thing. Ditch LFR and it would be spot on.

I suppose when you onpy care about gear epeen this must suck. But I could care less really. My interest in gear is limited to it enabling me to push higher and higher content.

Fair enough, works for me but I dont expect everyone to enjoy it.

Debatable. I liked that they were specialized and I liked that they were important to have. You sought out specific pieces, not specific azerite traits and you didn’t have to keep farming hoping for a higher ilvl one.

It causes too much ilvl inflation (especially with xforging) and it burns people out on the raid, with too much emphasis on it. Two at most would be ideal.

Except that’s not true at all. Wanting to stay competitive and contribute to your guild means you’re on that treadmill. If you don’t care about any of that and you play casually it won’t affect you, but it’s a stupid system that isn’t fun and it’s terrible that a specific item doesn’t have an exact power level until you sim it because of any bonus rolls.

Perhaps this is a forum alt, but the, “higher and higher content” I see doesn’t seem to be raids at least for this character.

Sorry, swapped to the monk to make a point on a different thread. This is my main. I don’t do mythic raids because on my work schedule, I’m away far to often to xommit to serious progression.

As a rule most people have found that past being around 410 ilvl gear is mich less of a factor than player ability, at least for the current teir.

After that point, while gear helps a little, it comes down to being able to play properly. And personally I prefer a system that once you reach a ceetain threshold it’s on you, not your gear, to improve.

It’s why you see tanks and healers focus more on improving dps contributions past a certain point, because at around the 15+ mark for dungeons a few extra points of versatility or haste (or any other stat) aren’t going to save you from screw ups. At that point its about doing the fight properly, so you focus on damage to speed things up and shorten the window where screwing up will be possible.

Yeah forging sucks, not going to argue there.

I’m having plenty of fun.

Must be you.


I know, BFA sucks.


That’s fair, I enjoyed Mythic raiding when I did it but it’s very time intensive. It is however one of the reasons you’d have to be on top of grinding.

Individual player skill is one thing, but improving your gear isn’t hard so it’s something most people will do. I can’t say what ilvl people sit for Mythic raids at this point but I can’t imagine 410 is where it is.

I raided early in EN and got a quick heroic Xavius kill, but I burned out. Same with before I even got a… whatever the last boss in Uldum is. This was the character I was playing at the time.

You are exactly the tourist that this bloody layering is catering to. At least now you won’t have to ‘bore’ yourself with Classic in August.


That’s… not at all what layering is for.

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Layering is to combat excessive tourist interest in the first few weeks, knowing that they will ‘bore’ away quickly. It is exactly what layering is there for.


Partly, yes. The assumption is that we’ll lose a lot of population quickly, but if we don’t then it’s going to be the same explosive overpopulation anyway once they remove layering.

I’m not sure why so many people hate the idea of, “tourists”. The inflated interest is only going to bring more attention to Classic.

MMO “leveling” has always been a major reason for the genre sucking. Let’s just slap a mandatory 200 hour single-player game in-front of the group content and make people fight for mobs. And if they have the nerve to group up, give them less XP.

10/10 best genre ever. Thank god for LFD in retail.


Yeah… I hope this isn’t serious, or Classic is definitely not for you.

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Amen! … and don’t let the door hit ya…


You’ve somewhat missed my point. The difference between 410 and 420 when it comes to surviving certain mechanics in high keys (which is what I was talking about) is non-existant. If you get nailed by the gattling guns or the bombing run on a 15 tyrannical motherload it won’t matter what ilvl you are, they both do enough damage to nearly one shot a tank, let alone a dps.

Well, M+ isn’t what I refer to as top end content in the first place. That little bit more damage you can do or heal though could make a difference. And if you can either not do it or spend time getting that gear, for people who are competitive they will do it.

Tell that to the 9/9m people I’ve seen struggle in 10s.

I cant heal a one shot. But lets say the difference between a 410 outlaw rogue and a 420 outlaw rogue is around 4k.

However the 410 rogue is a better player, so he takes no avoidable damage. Which means I dont need to spend time healingnhim and i can do more dps.

I average around 9-10k single target dps, when I’m not forced to heal stupid damage people take.

The 420 rogue might do 4k more dps, but the amount of time i spend keeping him alive means that my dps drops to 2k.

Over all the groups dps just went down and we kill the boss slower. Starts to add up over 4 bosses. Can easily be the difference between timing a key and failing it.

This is why I said that player skill is far more significant past the 410 level or thereabouts.

And my personal preference is for systems thst prioritize player skill over gear at the highest levels.

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