This... wasn't very fun

The true question is could that even happen between 4 randoms on current?

Probably not, since they’ll phase out after the first five minutes.

Dps wasn’t bad, I could at least sim it. But the tanking ones were…>.< to figure out. Some traits were good, some were bad. That was easy. But is going to a slightly higher ilvl that has a trait that’s a step down from the best trait an upgrade? I don’t know I can’t sim it for tanking head asplodes (Big ilvl jumps were easier to figure out.)

Yeah, exactly It’s a neat system in concept but yeah, they should just stick to tier gear lol

Yeah, just last night I met up with a bunch of Horde in the old world and we raided plenty of Alliance towns and had great world pvp against other 120s. Plenty of random events can happen, maybe it’s an American problem because it happens all the time on the OCE servers


Ah Dath’Remar, my original server. But you’re right, at least on OCE hours you don’t have to spend very long looking for people if you want to go do something random out in the world.

Sounds like you’re the tourist Blizzard talked about. Just not your game, it’s cool.


Wait… who likes “boredom” ? That doesn’t make any sense, but of course that’s because what you think is boring is only a matter of opinion, not fact. If you dont’ like classic, then why are you here?

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Classic might not be for you. No shame in that.

To enjoy the irony of classic fanboys who don’t realise it works the other way too, and thwt their inability to enjoy BFA isn’t universal.

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Hey, I used sheep, portals, and made food too!

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Of course it’s not, but if you really want to say that BfA isn’t a bad expansion then you’re in the wrong place. It’s there with WoD as the absolute worst state of the game and you don’t need to even see the subscriptions to know that.


I just spent two hours running around, looking at things that have been gone for years, grouping with people I’d never met before, having actual conversations. Yes, I only got to level 5 in that two hours - but I had the best time I’ve had in years.

I didn’t know I did, but I do!


Ain’t really a place for that on the forums as a whole.

Each to their own really. I love the dungeons, haven’t come close to getting bored of them yet, the raids have been really good, I honestly don’t miss teir gear all that much, I’m still finding new things out in the world, especially in boralus, and I’m making new friends every week.

So yeah, this expansion is fine by me, better than WoD by a mile, and far more challenging than wrath was by this point.

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No really BFA is terrible. I guess some are more easy to please than others.


Mostly because the opinion is that it just isn’t good is more popular than anything else.

That’s because there’s multiple difficulties, and the world scales with you rather than being static. The raids have pretty much always been solid and the dungeons are decent and relevant because of M+. The problem comes with the design and the overall intent of the expansion. I tried to like it, but it’s horrendous. The carrot on a stick that is azerite is just boring and bland and there’s no real sense of progression when you need an ungodly amount to hit the next step.

WoD wasn’t good, but neither is BfA. They learned what they could get away with in WoD and what they couldn’t. WoD had some new things to it, so it wasn’t the worst in that regard, whereas there isn’t really much new to BfA besides azerite.

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I’ve always been all about the end game, and BFAs end game is really good imo. I dont really care about the gear etc, imo gear is just a tool to help you do the content, not the point of the content


Tier gear was a lot more impactful than how bland azerite gear is, and it was unique to the class (for the most part) so it felt special. Too many raid difficulties and too much focus on endless grinding (titanforge, tertiary stats, M+ keys, etc) kills a lot of my interest in endgame and having no real sense of investment makes it even worse. I couldn’t care less about 90%+ of the endgame because most of the story just isn’t relevant to me. I quit before the new raid, so I don’t know about that one, but Uldum was so poorly built up for the Alliance (it was almost not talked about at all so we had no reason to be there) that I just couldn’t bring myself to care.

You can like BfA, that’s fine. But you can’t compare it to pretty much any other expansion other than WoD.

Oh I am too but it really doesn’t feel as they put as much into this time around. To me it feels very minimal at most imo.

Yeah BFA is not as good as legion was. I had a much better time there. It feels the same way I went from mop to wod back then except mop wasnt as good as legion but hey to each their own.

I’d actually rate Legion below MoP. I went in early and was raiding hardcore in EN, and it just felt awful. The same problems in BfA that I dislike were present in Legion, and I didn’t like that. MoP had its issues but it was one of the best expansions for class designs.

TBC is still my favourite expansion to date, but outside of that for early expansion feel I would say Cataclysm is up there. It felt fun to tank, heal, and even DPS dungeons because everything was tuned higher (pre-nerf). It felt good.