This... wasn't very fun

Any quests that were holding me back. I skipped. In elwynn I skipped the vineyard in northshire and the gold dust + candle. Probably will skip goretusk liver in westfall too

And people wonder why I think the launch will have an 80% attrition rate of people deciding its “too hard” or “too weak”.

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Eloreall, I’m becoming a believer.


That sounds like a sad way to spend free time lol.


Slow work day.

The bulk of the combat is figuring out how to handle pulls/adds. Otherwise the combat system has been the same from Vanilla to Retail: Push buttons in a certain order, don’t stand in fires.

Unless the complaint is centered around how you absolutely must have a button to push every second or something. Not sure if developing carpel tunnel is a good measure of engaging combat.

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Sad that this level of boredom is still more of a reason to resub than BFA.

Well, we spent our time today not questing and instead set our sights on defias (I think?) in Elwynn attacking them and then taking out the level 10 rare at level 4. It wasn’t easy pulling to get to her and not dying. I guess it depends on what you’re doing.

I haven’t played since early Pandaria but my impression for current progression is that it’s basically like doing short circles/sprints and each time you pass trough the circle’s checkpoint you “roll” for some random drop. And of course its designed that you get an upgrade on average let’s say 1 of 20 times. I.e. the game sets you up for 19 disappointments.

While in Classic you have to gring one long segment (say equal to the 20 “circles”) and at the end you get something useful (or at least get random one from a small pool of mostly upgrades). I.e. you don’t have an oportunity so often but you don’t end up disappointed most of the time too.

This is probably one of the things that will change in retail as devs stated that one of the main lessons they got from Classic revival is that faster pace does not necessarily mean more fun.

There was plenty of RNG grinding for drops in Classic dungeons. Not everything was an incremental progression grind.


There is a lot of it but it’s comparatively less. Most importantly the pool of gear drops is tiny compared to retail. This let’s you more precisely target your effort and avoid disappointment more often.

And btw RNG is not a bad thing by any means. What can be bad about it is the amount - too much or too little.

Maybe after a certain point the upgrades drop off. But its no where that bad in my experience.

This is what true MMORPG play was about for a long time. I know players today expect a button smashing arcade fighting game when they play a RPG but there’s a lot of us that are absolutely sick of that style.

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He’s a human Paladin.

He’s outing his terrible opinions publicly by that alone

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It’s also interesting that I can play a proper RPG like Div:OS2 and have an absolute blast with the combat, being borderline addicted to how fun and engaging the combat is. And then I play WoW: Classic and yawn my way through the gameplay. Not really sure how WoW: Classic is even supposed to be an RPG when I compare it to actual RPGs.

inb4 ‘bfa isnt an rpg either’ lol

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Game isnt for you. Move on now.


You get more abilities to work with later, it does pick up some more then. But otherwise, no man. This is Vanilla’s Pace. If you don’t like how it feels now, you wouldn’t like it later.

I want betas and stress tests to weed out as many of the people like op as possible, reexperiencing Classic will be much more enjoyable without them.


Won’t be as engaging as retail - in terms of combat.

The beauty of Classic is that you can see your progression from dirt poor newbie - to someone a bit more competent and better geared.

Combat gets more fun as you move through 30+ because you get your major talents (Big abilities) and you start going into Wpvp zones where the stakes are higher and there is more competition.

1-15 on retail is Boring AF too - It is the “Hand-holding intro levels” in Vanilla WoW.
It introduces you to the world.

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When is combat engaging in retail? Mythic raids?

I can roll my face across the keyboard and kill quest mobs and dungeon mobs in retail.

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