This is why I do not do dungeons

Have you ever tried Wailing Caverns?

For the record, there’s two Quests, for Scarlet Monestary (as Alliance). You pick one up in SW, in Cathedral Square, at level 34 (minimum) to start that Quest Chain. And, there’s one in IF, at the Hall of Explorers, at level 28 (minimum) and not a Chain Quest. The one from IF is the only one that tells you, directly, to go to SM. The Library, specifically. The Chain Quest one requires all of them except Graveyard. But, you won’t know that, unless you plow through the chain. It’s like a 3 - 4 Quest Chain, line up to which SM is the last part, of that chain. The only Dungeon that doesn’t have Quests to it, for Alliance, is Shadowfang Keep.

Ironically, as Alliance, we’ll barely go there. Despite there being Quests for us, too. It’s not Horde specific. The only Horde specific one I think are the Serpentblooms.

So, you’re one of those people that don’t wait for a rez? Cool story, bro.

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I can understand not waiting for a Rez, if the only Rezzer is a Druid.

Yeah, that would be unfortunate. That’s why nobody wanted resto druids in Vanilla. It’s also why paladin/shaman DPS were sought after for 5-mans.

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I hear you, and it would explain why he wasn’t rezzed, and why he had to walk back, at all. And, why he may have gotten lost and kept entering the wrong Wing, everytime he died.

I must have missed that part, lol.

gr8 b8 m8, I str8 r8 it 8/8

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He didn’t say that, specifically. But it’s the only logical explanation, that I could think of. in why he felt he was reaching “dead ends”, “fast mob respawns”, and why it may be confusing if he’s in a group or solo. I’ve seen this happen, A LOT, in running Dire Maul. We’ll be in one Wing, somebody dies, runs back and enters the wrong Wing.

When I played in Vanilla, I don’t remember trash respawning that fast, so that must be it.

Yeah, if he doesn’t have the SM key, either, there’s parts inside both SM Cath and SM Arm that still require it. But, if you die, you can just walk through doors (to enter). So, if he entered those Wings, he wouldn’t be able to unlock those doors. Hence why he felt SM may be nothing but “dead ends”.

EDIT: Which would, also, explain, if he couldn’t “get out”, despite the Levers being there (but, A LOT of people miss those, especially the one for Scholo).

EDIT 2: I can, also, understand, if he’s entering the wrong Wing and sees all these mobs, he’ll probably “scout” the hallway, and from this angle may look like a “dead end”.

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If you’re trying to eat soup with a fork, the problem isn’t with the soup.


Truly, a lost art. I was an earnest practitioner on the original WoW forums.

Welcome to World of Warcraft.

Bad faith complaint. Don’t hide information and pretend you don’t know why things are relevant because they’re inconvenient to you. Engaging in dishonesty like this is cringe, brah.

It sounds like you’re trying to solo an instance that isn’t meant to be solo’d. My response is simple: Classic is not a game for anti-social zoomers as much as retail is. The game design is working as intended.

“wahh wahh game hard I can’t be arsed to learn so I’m going to call it badly designed wahh wahh”
go back to minecraft

Clearly, not that smart, if you’re getting THAT lost, in SM. So, when you die, you have no idea which portal you entered (Left or Right). So, you just pick whatever, at random and hope you made the right choice. The Game isn’t switching out the Instance save on you, you’re the one entering the wrong Portal.

There is content for everyone. That doesn’t mean all of it is enjoyable to everyone. You got people that love to Quest, you’ve got people that love to PvP, you’ve got people that only want to run Dungeons, etc.

The mechanics behind SM is what’s called a Puzzle Game. You keep mentioning this:

When, in fact, there IS a Key. The Game doesn’t just HAND it to you, you have to find the Key. Part of the whole Puzzle Game, concept. Of course, the entire game, itself, is NOT 100% about Puzzles, but SM is a good example of one of their Puzzle mechanics. The Key is not that hard find, even if you accidentally clear SM Library, click on the chest, and you accidentally get yourself the SM Key to unlock the rest of SM via Armory and Cathedral.

And, it does matter what’s behind those doors because, if you’re constantly dying, you can bypass those doors, as a ghost and still enter SM Arm and SM Cath, as such. You won’t get far because you still need the Key, to get through it. And, just so you know, you don’t need the Key to get out of SM Arm and SM Cath, if you accidentally put yourself there. Click the Levers, and you can leave. Apparently, that’s “too hard”.

You’re right, somebody in the group doesn’t HAVE to know their way around, however there is such a thing as a “Leader” Role. While, yes, Team Play is important, but the “Leader” role is to help guide you.

You don’t HAVE to, but a “smart person” would utilize whatever resources necessary to get through things. You’re not that smart nor clever, if you refuse to use the tools around you.

I think it’s also the “Evocation does not restore mana” guy (all low-level warlocks):


Ooooo I memba’ that. He argued semantics and kept being vague enough so he kept everyone going in circles lol

Edit: Really need to make a post highlighting some of the most memorable threads over the past year.

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Do a google search for the map.

Stop whining, this isn’t BfA (or anything after Cata) where the dungeons are pretty much a long corridor. It is a proper building/dungeon.

If you think SM maps are windy, you’ll love Sunken Temple, BRD & BRS.