This is just one of the many examples of what constantly happens every single time I go into a dungeon.
This is my whole experience in Scarlet Monastery: (Because this is the experience the game showed me, then to me this is how this dungeon always is. Note I didn’t even gain a level.
I wound up spending 3 hours in Scarlet Monastery because I would die and when I went to get my body, all the enemies I had killed, had spawned again, so I couldn’t even get back to where I was on my own without help. Once the way back to me was cleared out, I then couldn’t find my way back to where I had died because the enemies had spawned yet again making it impossible to know what way I already went and what way I had not gone yet.
On top of that, all I found were rooms connected to rooms that were all dead ends and a few corridors that had some rooms off of them with some other rooms that were also dead ends.
The only thing I was doing was clearing out the same 2 path ways for 3 hours. No bosses, no gear, no anything, just basic generic elites with nothing special.
So all I was shown by the game designers is that this dungeon is a complete and total waste of time. Without a map and navigation it’s impossible to go through this dungeon. Couldn’t and still cannot find any bosses inside that place. Which is mind blowing considering it’s only 2 little sections with about 16 rooms total that run in one big circle.
There aren’t even any quests that belong to it that I can find anywhere. Even if I did have some quests, unless they were obtained inside the dungeon itself, then there would be no possible way a player would ever know if they had any quests for that dungeon.
Game designers did an exceptionally very poor design job on this.
So because this is the experience the game wants to give me, then to me, dungeons are a complete and utter, total waste of time. I have never once gotten any benefit or understanding about what is so good about dungeons. There is no map, and no way to navigate through them. I have also never come out of a dungeon with anything good. I have also found a total of 2 bosses that was stockades and Deadmines. I still to this day have yet to find a boss in Scarlet Monastery.