This is why I do not do dungeons

Wrong. So so Wrong. You aren’t in SM if this is what you are experiencing. Mobs take about 15 minutes to respawn and nowhere in SM does it take 15 minutes to do the entire run unless solo and you obviously aren’t skilled enough or mentally capable enough to solo anything.

Respawns are never a factor unless you die continuously and if you die continuously then that’s an indication you need to level more or get better gear and skill.

Most likely a troll thread. Buuuuut Scarlet Monestary is pretty badly made. They split it up because it was too big. Armory is about as boring a dungeon that Blizzard ever created. Though Cathedral is pretty fun and graveyard is in its way.

It’s the one revamp that I actually liked (on retail).

This is an epic troll thread. :laughing:


Please do! And report your results! We need to know!

Technically SFK does have a quest for it, if you’re a paladin.

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Just here to be one of many stating the obvious…

This is a troll post and so are the OP’s other posts. Not gonna lie tho, very entertaining to see people try to address him seriously

Effing brilliant, 10/10, would recommend to a friend. Tenacious and relentless and reeled people in effortlessly. The fact the thread is still rolling on after the OP left is testament to the genius. Well done OP, well done /claps

I don’t understand anything that happened here.

Are you the guy who couldn’t find talondeep path and then argued it didn’t exist in classic until someone offered to meet you in game and show you the way?


I had some benefit of the doubt for the OP from the 1st post, then that doubt vanished after reading a few more posts, then I realized that this thread is dozens of pages long… Epic troll thread is epic lol.

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That is because every issue you’ve brought up is a lie. It is simply false. You are making up an imaginary dungeon and describing it. So your “issues” don’t apply to anything in the real game.

It’s the same as complaining that “2+2” is sometimes 4 and sometimes 5. What a terrible design! Isn’t that awful! Why does everyone ignore this “design issue”?

According to who? You? Hah! What makes you a better dungeon-designer than the professionals?

I bet this guy is liking his own posts. It’s the only explanation for why he has one.

  1. If your only level 15 then its most likely impossible you did scarlet monastery and are describing another instance. Deadmines, wailing caverns hell even stockades can be confusing. That is what you are most likely trying out at level 15.
  2. From your descriptions and personality it sounds like retail would be a great fit because it has everything your complaining about that classic does not and will never have. If your with friends its great getting lost in classic for hours on end killing dragons.
    3.what your describing as SM does not sound like it at all, its super linear, so it really hard to belive you.
  3. Great troll post

When you see a crazy person talking to themselves on the street, you avoid them. People should do the same with this thread.

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And that statement is irrational, illogical, and just flat out silly.

Something in a game can be 20 years old, it’s still going to be new to an individual or group of individuals who have never once encountered it.

You cannot use your opinion of how long a dungeon has been around or how many players do it, and apply those situations to a player who has a never once been in that dungeon.

And before you come at me with the how can you not have, or no one can play the game that long and never go there, let me clue you in on some things.

I do not play this game like 99.99% of the players do. and so many people don’t get how that is possible, but it is and it’s exactly why everyone replying in this thread is having a serious problem getting the concept of the problems I am having.

I started playing WoW back at the end of 2005 (Clearly not this account) and this is what I do, do not do, and have done a few times.

I’ve only ever done 6 dungeons (2 of which are in this past month)
I have never once done a raid
I do not do PvP.
I also skip a good chunk of this games content and quests due to how convoluted it is with the sloppy writing and the inconsistent and incorrect use of grammar.
I do not pay any attention to the story/lore in any game at all because I don’t care. If I wanted a story or lore, I would go watch a movie/TV or read a book. I play a game to actually PLAY it, not read or watch it.

The crap I ran into in the SM shouldn’t have happened, nor should the replies from everyone in this topic. Both the situation in SM, and the way players are (Forcing how they think onto me) and is the exact reason I avoid things like raids, dungeons and PvP.

So I do not have the same knowledge base as everyone else. If I have a problem with something in this game, then it’s an actual problem.

Not here to convince anyone that says it’s not possible or how can that happen. It does happen, all of you people replying can’t stop applying how you think, onto these types of situations.

Telling people who are having a problem, how can they or no one else does, is pointless. I will still have the problem, and all of you will still not get it, which you will then say the same about me.

Long story short, how do I need a map and get lost in SM,

Because it was my first time inside there and I wasn’t expecting it to be that much of a problem.

It’s a decent troll attempt, you got a good amount of people to respond. I’ll give it an 8/10.

The irony is that people making posts like this keep re-bumping the thread, and people continue responding to the OP without reading the whole 136 posts (and counting), thus repeating the cycle of troll. That’s the only reason we’re still talking about it 9 days later.

It was resurrected after a week by none other than the troll himself, lol

True. But people continuing to post - as you and I are doing - just adds fuel to the fire.

it makes no sense to have a map in a dungeon which is meant to be explored