This is why I do not do dungeons

Not even going to touch this thread.

Going to keep reading it tho. Some good laughs.

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This was pretty funny to wake up too, nice laugh to start the day. But either really good troll or seriously mentally deficient… Ill just go make some popcorn while I wait for this pan out :stuck_out_tongue:

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Mad = bad = you’re own fault.

Maps weren’t needed inside dungeons during vanilla. Exploration was required.

Leave! Go play another MMORPG, we all ran these dungeons fine for over a decade.

I used this lightbulb to hammer in some nails and the lightbulb broke! I cannot believe how terribly designed this light bulb is!

Thomas Edison invented the worst thing to hammer in nails that i have ever used and is a very poor designer.


The dude is posting from a level 15 character, but no one as indignantly clueless as he is pretending to be would have the sense to hide behind an alt.

I also have doubts that a player this bad would even be able to find their way to SM, and they definitely would have raised some sort of complaint about having to make the tedious journey into the heart of Horde territory as an Alliance player.

Not sure how so many people fell for this obvious troll, but it was an enjoyable read.


Naw, if you look at his post history. He has a habit of claiming things are broken when he does them wrong.

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Not the same guy who denied the cave between stonetalon and ashenvale existed and complained about going through the barrens is it? That one was a good read.


Can you link that thread? That sounds interesting.

I’m not sure who is more dumb. The 75 other posters trying to help this Troll or the Troll himself. This is why you teach your kids not to do drugs people.

I didn’t think I would actually find it again lol


well, I know he’s just a troll but…

If you get lost in sm better stay out of brd :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, I’m not entirely convinced that this didn’t a troll, but i’ll respond in the off-chance that this could help you if you aren’t one.

Let’s start off by saying that you need a competent group for a dungeon. You refuse to say that you’re playing solo or with a group, and you say that it is irrelevant to the design. This is false, and here’s why. If you are in a competent group, you kill mobs fast enough so that the problem of mobs ‘staying dead so you know where you’ve been’ is circumvented. This is a deliberate decision. Think of the dungeon as a time trial in a game - you have enough time to kill, and explore what needs to be explored, but nothing more. I’m going to be honest with you, i’ve never encountered a problem with mobs respawning while going through SM. If you were in a group, then it was a bad group, but if you were solo, then that’s your fault for doing group content with no group.

As for the ‘28 hallways’ I have no idea what you’re talking about. You said that you have access to the 2 open instances and not the doors, which means you are doing Library and Graveyard (2 separate instances that are unconnected). The left side instance portal is Graveyard and only has like 10 hallways max. There should be no divergent paths - just go forward. If you get lost here, then i do suggest grouping with someone to guide you through the dungeon. I’m not trying to be rude here, but it sounds to me like spacial planes propose some difficulty for you, so it may be worth it to have another player actively guide you through the dungeon.

SM is a dungeon that uses human architecture, so navigating through it should be a matter of basic intuition. Any extra rooms in any of the instances are simply rooms that lead to dead ends - there are no diverging paths anywhere. If you walk into a room, make a 180 degree turn and walk out. The trick here is, though, you have to remember which way you entered the room from - if you can’t do that, then once again I suggest a guide.

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You guys just can’t help yourselves can you? It’s a troll and he is laughing this whole time trying to come up with responses to your posts to keep it going.

If it is a troll, this is what a troll should be. It used to be considered an art form to be a troll, now it’s just used to make inflammatory remarks about others.


OK, I think IK what you’re talking about OP. I see this happen all the time in Dire Maul. When somebody dies and has to end up walking back to their body, they end up entering the wrong portal. Because both Scarlet Monestary and Dire Maul have split entrances. Scarlet Monestary has 4 Wings while Dire Maul has 3 Wings. But, if you die, you can still come back to life by entering any of the Wing Portals, regardless of which Wing you’re in. I’m assuming, you died numerously and kept entering the different Portal entrances (including Armory and Cathedral, despite them being behind locked doors, as a ghost, you can go through those doors and enter them that way). It’s possible you were in a group, and your group had no idea that was what was going on and didn’t go back to help you, or you’re doing it, by yourself. These “respawns” could merely just be you entering the wrong wing and hitting up those mobs.


Ah, ty. Yeah, he seems to get frustrated very easily. But, I’m pretty sure, what I said is exactly what happened.


Ooooo OP plays on the same realm I do.
I need to run SM with him.

What could possibly go wrong?


You’ll get called a liar.

I agree with OP:

Much like breaking into an enemies castle in real life, I expect the doorman to hand me a map before I begin my crusade.

The castle definitely shouldn’t have rooms (#stupid). Everyone knows Castles are a single long hallway that force me to the King so I can slay him with ease.


This is one of those trolling posts, yeah?

If not, then… the dungeons were designed for 5 people to run them, in a group.