I’m Alliance…and when I asked how to get to The Barrens without jury rigging your way in, or going through horde, people said there is no horde blocking the access to Stonetalon Mountains, and they are liars. Here is a screen shot that shows the horde is the way.
I’m on a normal server and I do not have pvp on (It is off), but having it off does not matter…The Horde PvP a/i will still attack you on sight (I almost killed by them)
The only other way through into Stonetalon Mountains from Ashenvale is to jury rig your way through (i.e. climb the mountain, swim, ported, have a higher level escort you.
Here is a screenshot which proves you have to go through horde to get into The Stonetalon Mountains:
Unless you jury rig your way through and do not play by Normal in game function, that means Blizzard created a level 20 quest that cannot be accessed until you’re at least level 40,
There is a tunnel connecting Ashenvale to Stonetalon Mountains, but I haven’t been to it in a very long time and couldn’t tell you if Horde NPCs were around it, I want to say no… If I were Alliance and trying to get there I’m pretty sure that’s the way I’d go.
Edit: It’s called talondeep path. It’s almost directly south of Astranaar, just a little bit southeast.
There’s a tunnel from Ashenvale to Stonetalon Mountains, it’s called Talondeep Path. Middle of the south wall of the zone. Just west of the lake with the alliance vendors in a building.
I believe OP is talking about the guards that guard the entrance to the barrens. On my rogue I was able to vanish, but on my mage I just had to corpse hop my way through until I was past the guards. Once you do it once though you can get the flightpoint at ratchet and you don’t have to worry about it again.
Got news for you that tunnel/passage or whatever you want to call it, only exists on private servers.
I have been playing WoW since the very end of 2005 into the Release of BC. and I have never ever seen that tunnel never mind been through it. And I’ve been up in the area I took the screenshot so many times looking for that tunnel, it would make your head spin.
I’m not just saying there is no tunnel out of spite either. I’m saying it doesn’t exist for 2 legitimate reasons: 1. I personally have been over there plenty of times searching for it (Like I am now) and cannot ever seems to find it. If it were there I would have found it after all this time.
2. So far anyone that makes the claim there is, refuse to take me to it when asked. People love to talk in MMO’s to cause drama and have no problems saying something exists but when it comes down to proof, out come the excuses. So I place them on ignore because I don’t deal with trolls.
Don’t say watch a video because the video was done on a private server where things like that can actually be made.
Unless you’re prepared to enter the game and take me to it, please don’t waste my time with replies that have no proof.
I’m sure you it plenty of times…on private servers.
Unless you or anyone else is going to come into the game, party with me, then walk me over to it so I can personally see it for myself, and go through it, there is nothing you or anyone can say to me that will make me believe you.
But so far all people want to do is talk…Which is fine. But I’ll just put you on ignore.
ROFL. If you’re weren’t intentionally being so dense about it, I’d actually offer to help … and my highest character on Atiesh is a 13 warrior who has not even been to Astranaar yet. I’d take the deaths from the 20+ bears and spiders down there - usually one bear near the entrance itself.