This is why I do not do dungeons

If you don’t understand that the enemies don’t stay dead so navigation isn’t even possible then stop replying to this thread.

I’m genuinely curious what games do have the kind of design you approve of.

If this is your most hated title because of a complaint that I’ve never heard of anyone having, then I’d love to know what other things you play in your free time that are so much more superior.

I really want to ask if it’s Sunday.

  • Dungeons are doable by everyone in a group when doing them at level and some can be done solo at max level.

  • At level, dungeons are not meant to be done alone.

  • Enemies will stay dead or only a very few will respawn once the boss they are attached to is taken down in most cases. If you die and take too long to get back to your body, they will respawn, just like in the overworld.

  • If you don’t want to run with a group of players, that’s fine! However, you can’t do instanced content by yourself at level simply because you refuse to follow how that content is made.

One of the nice things about WoW is that it caters to many different styles of game play. People can be anti-social and never speak a word killing boars in the woods to level and see the world while others can form vast social networks and have their entire game revolve more around that then questing and everything in between. Buying something doesn’t guarantee that you will be able to completely use it, it just unlocks the possibility.

If instanced content in concerning, how are those world elite group quests working out for you? Do you do them, find a group, attempt to solo them? Legit question, since WoW at least tries to be a MMO and while one can certainly solo all the way to 60, there’s a good amount stuff out there that needs at least someone else to help in most cases if done at level.


Deadmines is huge, and it’s actually not uncommon to get lost getting to the part of the dungeon that is the private instance.

The section of the dungeon that is the private instance is actually rather impossible to go in and do solo at the correct level.

Dungeons like dead mines, the stalkades, and scarlet monastery aren’t the kind of dungeon that you will find a big raid boss, but are instead questing dungeons.

As for the maps, you don’t have a map because back in the day it was customary to actually draw your own and navigate manually.

Blizzard did include the more common place GPS style map in the world content, but the dungeons lack of a map is somewhat intentional so that you the player and your dungeon team of raiders will need to explore and battle your way through to find every treasure.

However the big amazing loot awaits in the 20 and 40 player raids!

I’m confused… SM is pretty rail-roaded for the most part, there are a couple of courtyards yes (Cathedral and GY), but there is a pretty obvious ‘direction’ you should be going for each of them. Both Armory and Library are pretty much as linear as they come.

Wow, or this guy is a troll or he is incredibly stupid.

Dude, you’re not supposed to run a 5-man dungeon alone. Simply as that. This is not how the game was conceived to be played. Dungeons are places designed around groups of players, populated with elite enemies that are very hard or time consuming to kill alone. People run dungeons with a group of one tank, one healer and 3 dps.

If you’re trying to solo a place designed to be played by groups of players you are doing it wrong and you cannot blame the game design for it.

Also, as many people here have already pointed out… Scarlet Monastery is a complex of 4 dungeons connected by a lobby. They are not connected to each other. In order to enter in each of the wings you have to first leave the dungeon you are in and go back to the lobby. Only then you can access the others wings. A few of the doors in that lobby are locked at first, but after you get the keys you can access all the dungeons. It’s not that hard! Of course, it can get hard when you’re doing it wrong… again, this is not a content intended for soloing or for inexperienced (noob) players who can’t orient themselves. Find a group of experienced players and run it properly… You’ll see how fun dungeons are.

But please don’t blame the game when the problem is you.

I never once anywhere in this topic or this thread ever say I running this solo. Don’t even know where any of you even got the idea I said I was.

Ever since the first person to make that baseless assumption, everyone copied that clown…That proves none of you have even bothered reading what the actual issue is.

Instead you’ve all made up crap going off of what someone else says.

Plenty of us have asked inquisitive questions and explained things in good faith, but you have chosen to repeatedly blame the game rather than take any accountability.

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Don’t even bother coming at me with the “We’ve tried helping” line of crap. None of you did jack.

There isn’t a single reply from anyone in this thread that addresses any of the issues I’ve brought up. Which are explicitly detailed which every one of you ignored.

Be happy you can have these problems. Classic servers are going to start dying off.
Enjoy it while it lasts.


Anyway, you have made it clear you won’t listen to us or learn from the experience, but instead demand that the game must change because of your particular, personal issue. A very immature outlook, but you’re entitled to your opinion.

Nothing more needs to be said.

Even if we do take your claims at face value that you’re in a group for this. Each of the 4 actual dungeons of Scarlet Monastery are about as linear as they come. There is no looping of corridors in any of SMs dungeons. Except perhaps the crypt of GY, but even so that section is vertical movement in a linear direction instead.

^ is why everyone is asking if you were actually doing Scarlet Monastery, because yes, there are a few dungeons that you can loop around in, but Scarlet Monastery is not one of them.

Were i on your server i’d legitimately come to have a look at what you were doing, simply because i cannot figure out your perspective. SM is easier to navigate than the Deadmines

I believe most of us are assuming you are trying to solo the dungeon because the problem you are facing (dying and having to deal wiith mobs respawns) only happens if you are not being effective in progressing trough the dungeon. And this only happens when:

  1. You’re solo;


  1. you’re in a VERY bad group and no one have a clue about what they are doing.

So, or you are solo or you tried to run the dungeon with a group entirely composed of clueless people who have never set foot in a dungeon before.

The possibility of you trying to run the dungeon with a proper group of players doesn’t exist, because if you were in a proper group you wouldn’t be here complaining, you would be killing bosses and rejoicing with their loot.


I’m pretty sure you’re a troll by this point… but I’m bored.

Solo or in a group does matter… if you solo something that was designed for 5 people, then yeah… mobs will respawn.
If you are in a group and mobs respawns, what are you guys doing? Killing a few and then standing around for an eternity until mobs respawn?

There is something very wrong with this whole topic but I can’t put my finger on it without making an entire doctoral dissertation.

Have you tried black rock depths yet? :slight_smile:

Why does it matter. Enemies shouldn’t respawn in any dungeon AT ALL until the reset all instances option has been activated.

It is an extremely piss poor design when enemies don’t respawn in any other dungeon, but they do in this one.

Why is this one so special that the game designers thought it would be a good idea to let that happen?

Also who the hell are all of you to decide about problems people encounter in a game. You cannot keep taking how you all do things in dungeons that you’ve done 1974917498 times, and then apply them to someone who doesn’t do a dungeon run at all, then act like there is no problem just because you all can do it.

Of course none of you think a dungeon you’ve done a ton of times can be screwed up or a player cannot have any type of problem that I ran into.

Well, technically that would be Onyxia’s Lair, but I don’t see that happening.



There is the whole issue that, if it has been done so many times it’s that accessible, then the fault of not understanding why or how a 15 year old dungeon works falls on you.

It’s not changing now.

Getting lost in a brand new place is not a bug, its a feature.