Unlike in Legion, I’m just taking my time and exploring. I didn’t even go to mechagon for the first three or four days, and didn’t even really start diving into the content there till yesterday. Had i been a bit more diligent in rares in Nazjatr I’d be revered by now, but honestly, I’m just running around enjoying myself.
I have only been able to log in twice since the patch, because I just can’t stomach the grind and the new zones.
I am inclined to agree with you, if this is the future I will most likely not be playing this game.
Oh…and I don’t give a single Fudge about Classic. I played that game 15 years ago it holds zero allure for me.
I’ve been on a break for 6 months after getting Pathfinder 1. Just came back.
I wasn’t going to come back at all…but decided to just to get Pathfinder 2. I figured during a minor surgery recovery for 10 days (starts next week) that I would have the time to grind out the reps.
Oh…my…god… Mechagon is ok…but Naz…Naz…Nazwhatever its called is absolutely hands down the WORST designed zone in the game. I can’t believe this even made it through design much less beta.
I’m going to slog through it…but once I hit revered with the 2 I seriously doubt I’ll ever go back. I’ll just level alts (the way it should have been from the start).
This expac is a complete embarrassment for Blizzard. I can’t even believe this made it live.
It’s only a grind if you haven’t been doing like…ANY.…world quests for the past year. Because otherwise, you get revered with these factions in a matter of weeks by just doing emissaries.
So what you’re trying to say is doing something more frequently makes it less a grind. got it.
…what? What I’m saying is that you wouldn’t feel like it was a “grind” if you had just been playing the game and getting those reputations normally, rather than trying to rush through it now that you can get something for it.
The Devs are pretty happy with pathfinder at this point. It has worked for them for the past two releases. They believe it keeps people subbed longer, although I sometimes supect that the people who do Pathfinder would stay subbed anyway. People who meet Pathfinder requirements from playing the way they normally do are probably satisified. And of course those people can’t understand that other people don’t like doing all the “normal” activities that they do. The people who are fed up with pathfinder are slowly leaving, but people leave the game all the time for different reasons, so the devs really are not going to correlate sub losses with pathfinder.
Pathfinder is here to stay, if you really don’t like it, unsubbing may be your best choice. I will probably not be subbed much longer myself. And no, you cannot have my stuff.
Financially I had to drop out of WoW for a bit (4/5 months), and didn’t have a whole deal of time to work with in the first place. I’m kinda primary caregiver to 3 children under 5yo. So, short of ignoring them and playing nonstop, it’d really feel like nothing other than a grind given limitations. I unlock flight with highest level character so that I have more time to play luxuriously with my lower characters. Hence the ‘grind feeling.’
Bye, pathfinder are here to stay. I am half way into Honored with the two factions, I should able to fly by later this week. You can sit there and complain about pathfinder requirements all you want, while players like me are putting our time to unlock flight for our toons. You better get to work buddy or you’ll be left out.
People can be contrarian all they want an pew-pew this as just another “No Fly No Sub” post but methinks they miss the point.
If you love the game and want to continue to play it then you really need to stop dismissing what so many in the playerbase are saying. Don’t argue with us on the forums, this merely makes whatever little Blizz hears of our opinions seem fractured. If and when the next Xpac comes and there is no clear answer to flyng that does not involve a wait and pathfinder me and a lot of people like the OP will be gone. Simple as that. You say good riddence, fine, if there are enough of us, and I suspect there will be, it will adversely affect the game.
You think Blizz is having financial trouble now and laying off people. Let them release another XPAC without this flying issue fixed with a promise up front and the exodus relative to the pre-WOD event will be massive. There will be more layoffs, less content, and less fun for you.
So argue and pew-pew if you want, if this continues it will only hurt the game we all want to play.
as much as you want it other people don’t and despite what you might think, flight impacts more than just the person using it. not having flight makes everything take much longer, and if some people have it while others don’t there is a HUGE disparity. that is why the “if you don’t like it don’t use it” argument falls apart.
the best compromise is to have it locked for a period of time, and unlocked for another period of time. it is the only fair solution that doesn’t just tell the opposing side to shove off and not get what they want ever.
personally, i enjoy having it locked for a while and then unlocked. i just don’t agree with the rep grind portion, as i do not typically engage in that kind of gameplay. if you are demanding flight the second you hit max level, you might as well quit now because we are likely never going back to that.
See you in the next expansion, and complaining how far behind you are behind everyone else towards that pathfinder. Of course, you’ll continue to state that you’ll never return, however, you will return eventually. Quitting this game permanently is similar to quitting the mob permanently.
I dunno, “Sleepin wit’ de fishies” seems pretty permanent.
Level alts, while FLYING. Farm ores and herbs, FLYING. FInally do World Quests, without using that stupid flight master’s whistle that was created just to makes us stop wishing flying.
And never go back to Mechagon, thankfully.
So do the same content you would do in the new zones in the older far less rewarding zones?
This may be my last Pathfinder, too. But not just because of Pathfinder, although it’s a major factor. But because of Pathfinder, tables, rep grinds, time gating, world quests… This model they introduced with WoD is just a substitute for good quest chains and storylines. It’s predictable, repetitious and boring.
You want us to earn flying? Give us a fun quest chain. Unlock the next parts of the chain once a week, so people aren’t flying by day 2. Just get rid of the grind. Show some creativity and make it fun again.
Subs have been at a all time low since he took over. Legion was an overall good experience by the end but still WOD and BFA have both been pretty meh.
I agree with OP it seems like PAthfinder gets worse with each expansion. Making us wait longer and longer and tacking on more of a grind each time. It don’t help they design the terrain to infuriate players just trying to get from point A to B.
That’s just incorrect. Either you don’t understand what a grind is, or you don’t care. Neither of which is a solution.
Far less rewarding? HAHAHAHA!
What do I want from Mechagon? Another stupid mount?
What do I need from Nazjatar? Another stupid mount?
People have different play styles, I like leveling alts, for the journey. The journey is much more enjoyable flying.