I thought devs would give up from the idea after the Draenor fail. They didn’t.
I thought that they would give up the idea for BFA, or that at least Ion would be fired or find another fatty paycheck job somewhere else like Ghostcrawler by then.
I was wrong.
So today while I was grinding miserably two zones that I really hated, and it occurred to me, I deserve better.
When november comes with a new xpac announcement, as usual, if the devs don’t say that “pathfinder is over”, I am over.
And this is not about petty “no fly no sub”.
I just reached my limit. I want to fly on this game. If they insist this game is not meant for fying, I am not meant for this game.
Well tbh that was no hard feat, WoD did that badly that anyone could’ve turned it around, mistakes were obvious.
The sheer fact we still got no PvP vendors shows Ion is still clueless, and master loot removed entirely, classes pruned and still no change entire BFA.
Ion takes a year or two to fix stuff, and another issue is he tests his theories on us, wants to see what we spend most time on and declares that as successful content, like islands, everyone does islands. Do we enjoy them? No. It’s because we want the weekly azerite, we need to do them.
He’s too mechanical, he lacks emotion that a game dev needs.
An older game director also gave us WoD. That said, i think they’ve been pretty responsive with stuff. Vendors for islands and m+ azerite was a response, as was the additions to the azerite system over the course of a few patches.
Well, it IS what they originally hired him for afaik, since he was a raid designer in wod, and we DID get BRF after all. Too bad half of that expac was just abandoned. Rip the tier we never got
It really is not too hard of a grind … I think I should be able to fly in another week maybe slightly more and I play really casually . I know some people can already fly but it’s not really a race .
Responding to something and actually making something better are two totally different things. The essence system is a band-aid fix at best for pruning that’s been getting progressively worse for years, and as Burkkins already pointed out, those vendors don’t mean a thing because the only thing in islands that people actually care for other than the hardcore AP grinders are the mounts and the vendors to nothing for the rng fiesta that are those friggin mounts
Oh, and imagine thinking turning the game around from the state it was in during wod as an achievement.
Nah, now if he can somehow turn around bfa with a surprise 8.3 patch that completely fixes every single issue bfa has then we’ll talk about him actually being a marvelous game developer who single handidly turned the course of the game around