This is the last time I will grind pathfinder in my life

Better gear, new recipes and herbs (which you specifically mentioned gathering), as well as new quests, dailies, WQ, Mounts, Pets, Toys, Acheivements.

I personally don’t care what others do in game. Flying is not that big a deal for me, but for others it is so let them have it. Them flying before I do has no effect on me whatsoever. There’s always going to be people in the game that has something that you don’t whether it’s gear, transmogs, mounts, achievements etc. We all know how to get that stuff it’s just a question of what you want to focus your time on.

So now that people are unlocking flying and taking to the skies I have to ask…what was the point of timegating? What did the game gain by locking players out of an activity that they enjoy and was it really worth the loss in subs? What difference did it make and how was my game improved by locking players out of the skies and pissing them off?


Someone who gets it, Ladies and Gentlemen. Flying as an option should remain an option, not a gated barrier.


I’m not interested in anything you mentioned in Nazjatar or Mechagon.

yep no one cares. another attention seeking post. give me what I want or I quit… bye, fly away now.

I am in the exact same place. I love flying and hate PvP. This expac has tried to force PvP down my throat with a hydraulic ram. Pathfinder has been timegated longer than ever before. If I hadn’t bought a bunch of tokens for game time I would have already un-subbed for 8 months this expac. My time runs out next April and no matter what incentive is dangled I’m going month to month until I hear about 9.0’s Pathfinder.
I would begrudgingly accept it if it was patch specific; finish part 1 fly in launch zones, part 2 added with new zones, etc. The timegating is purely for spite and needs to go if they want my sub in the future.


I hear you. Blizzard doesn’t understand that many people won’t ever get interested in PvP.

I really love this game, and besides the “Grounded Army of Flying Haters” in this forum accuse me of being “attention seeker”, I just wanted to be one more voice in millions that believe that this flying gating is hurting the game and the players. I’m burnout by this, always expecting to fly like this dangling carrot.

It shouldn’t be this way.

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And then spun another 180 and drove it back into the ground.


Why you quoting me and someone else’s comment?

I bet you aren’t.

Yes it is.

Pathfinder is crap. They obviously want to kill flying altogether but can’t because flying mounts are a thing. They have painted themselves into a corner and this is apparently the best they could come up with…sad.

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And here we go, another flying hater!

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its easy to get pathfinder 2 im 9500 in honored while playing 2 alts to honored.just play the game and you will get it easy.

pathfinder 1 took more time…lol.

While im not against pathfinder, i do think there’s a better way to do it. Pathfinder 1 should give us flying for the zones at the xpac launch. Part 2 should be for any new zones. That, or design the new zone around flying


yeah you’re right, it’s not difficult to farm scraps in mechagon. But for me it’s depressing, that’s all.

do you do the fishing for rep? i also did the other place its a lot better then mechagon.

Ooops. Yes this should have been directed to Voxexcusia or Voxblizzdefenda or whatever his name is.

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No, another whining hater.

How many second chances are you going to give them? When 9.0 comes out, it’s going to have the same two-tier Pathfinder requirement, and you’re going to grin and bear it, and complain that if they don’t remove it in 10.0, you’re going to quit.

If you were going to quit, you would have pulled the plug already.

I’m no flying hater, I can’t wait to fly. I want to see all this from up there. I’m just bored with Pathfinder complainers drawing lines in the sand, then moving them.


You speak only for yourself and those who feel as you do. wow is an MMO. It can be played with a single player mindset, but the rules of the game revolve around being multiplayer. That involves degrees of competition.

If others can fly, to not also fly gimps you in all outdoor content. In pvp, gathering, gearing speed, everything. “Letting them have it” diminishes the value of MY time or anyone else who prefers no flight.

Time gating left a period of no flight for those who prefer it that way. They got to enjoy the game how they like it, and now those with flight can enjoy it that way. Personally, I enjoy the mix. Early on it is better to actually explore the land on the ground and not just be able to skip over everything. But after a while, I am cool with it.

Unlocking flight on day one trivializes everything and forces you to choose: either fly, or be horribly gimped in comparison with anyone who does. Might not matter to you, but it matters to a lot of people.

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Get rid of flight entirely. The game doesnt need it. Replace a lot of grind time with a little travel time. Make the world feel big again. Make the threat of world pvp real again.

I prefer large sprawling zones to condenced little areas with things stacked on top of eachother. Knowing flight will be an option allows designers to create janky immersion breaking zones with no flow to then. You get a frozen area, a fire area and a forest stacked on top of eachother, all within line if sight and all part of the same zone somehow. Countless examples of this in the newer expansions. It looks like garbage.