Pathfinder 1 is not the problem.
The idea that there should be no flying in any expac zones until pf2 is the problem.
Blizzard and Ion time gating flying by not making the achievements available in game until they deem us worthy is the problem.
Ion being a lawyer or ex lawyer who are trained to muddy the waters and make getting from point a to point b as convoluted as possible is the problem.
Blizzards problem is they thought ions slight of hand nonsense with flying would fool the mass of pro-flying deplorables.
So you say you don’t choose to play pokemon?
Edit: I forgot you HAVE to catch them all.
What “fail”? Draenor pathfinder was grindy, yes, but honestly I got Pathfinder-BFA 1 just by playing the game. I will have to grind slightly on the 2 new reps, but I’m already pretty close to Honored with both of them.
To be honest, I disliked Nazjatar at first… but it grew on me. Mechagon, IMO, has been fun from the start.
its not a big deal man i hated WoD so i didnt grind it out i love BFA im grinding it out depends how much your into the expansion i would say if its worth it or not.
I’m glad you saw the correlation. (pat pat)
Sarcasm aside, the example is more of one franchise releasing 2/3 versions of itself on a near yearly basis. And then, once you’ve ‘mastered’ one (both, or all three), they go and make your progress irrelevant by giving limited options to forward what you’ve worked for to the next ‘expansion.’
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I may unintentionally unlock pathfinder part two, but pathfinder part one? Forget it! It’s not going to happen. Same goes from unlocking all the new races. I just cannot bring myself to play the game like this anymore. Rep grind, rep grind, rep grind… no! I’m done doing that.
I’m now only playing the game super casually.
quite impossible. One of the requirements is ‘Pathfinder 1’
Don’t be a smart * you know what I meant.
I know. All other requirements are negligible, as were the conditions for Legion Pathfinder 2. The first one needs to be nerfed huge, or make it a singular condition. Having 6 factions at revered is more grindy than 2 at exalted. Also, why does one on alliance/horde need to explore all of the horde/alliance’s sector for flight conditions when Loremaster is limited to faction? Not saying “make both a requirement” rather “reduce requirement in map exploration”
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This pathfinder was easy compared to WOD. They took out the treasures, there are tons more WQ. There is nothing hard about doing storyline and some WQ. You just have to be persistent. Reputation comes without doing anything other than story quests and world quests. Nothing like killing 30000 furblogs in winter spring. Rather do that for hours on end?
It’s not seamless because there was a year I went without it. Your seamless is flawed.
Then threw it in the toilet.
I agree. Lets drop pathfinder and go back to a pay to fly scenario. With inflation i think 500k to fly is fair 
I don’t think I would mind as much if Naj wasn’t such a terrible zone.
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There are no grinds in this game except those you impose on yourself.
If you BUY the expansion at the time they announce flying and you start playing THEN it would be almost seamless.
Not really, or at least you can’t really put that on him solely since he was promoted late 2016, Legion was in development prior to that under Tom Chilton and a different crew compared to what you have now seemingly with a lot of shuffling happening during Legion. BFA is the first expansion Ion has fully led. I could be wrong.
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You like Pathfinder, you just don’t know it yet.
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