Hotfix Flying Right now and Promise to never do this to us again

Pretty straightforward really Blizzard. You have messed up royally with these antics of keeping flying in current content (sorta but not in reality). The two new zones, the low reputation rewards, the long wait from XPAC release to PF2, this is all unacceptable.

I get that people will actually do PF2, we have to in order to get the thing we want that we, as players, overwhelmingly believe make our game experience actaully more fun. Because people do a thing they hate does not mean it is a good design or a good choice.

I also get that there are some, I suspect a minority, that enjoy being contrarians and proclaim that they hate flying in game. For those people, it would be simple enough to offer no flying servers. (I suspect they would be pretty empty places).

For the vast majority of your playerbase we are simply left to wonder what you are thinking and how you can be so obtuse and callous. Admit you have messed up since WoD with flying. Put it back in the game right now, no PF2, no ridiculous hoop jump of a rep grind, no exhoberant cost. Let us fly and people will play your game much much more. Admit your mistake, fix it now and then focus on getting us some good content that is not chore driven crap. HOTFIX it NOW!

If you agree - stand up and say it. Most of us have jobs, we play this game to enjoy it, not to have another job to get the small things we need to make it fun - flyng is integral to the fun of the game for most, this is a fact that no counter argument can displace.

We need to make Blizz hear this and make this silliness go away once and for all. I will nver buy another expansion without this getting fixed and a promise that it will never happen again. I will not renew my sub if they do not fix it very soon in this XPAC. Simple as that.

Enough with complaining about it on the forums, enough with doing the silly chores they tell us are fun. If you do not like the current state of the game related to flyng stand with me, speak with one voice and lets make Blizz hear.


Nah fam, I don’t give that much of a crap, I’ll unlock it eventually.


I’m OK with an achievement for a global unlock, but it should be available from the beginning instead of gates behind gates.


I too have a more than full time job and would prefer flying opening up after PF1 and leaving it open. It does seem like Bliz is insisting on players running the rep grind and story line and holding flying as the carrot. The story line should be something we pursue because the story line is good, not for a reward.


This exactly.


I don’t agree with you.

At all.

I am calling Ion right now and telling him to not listen to you.


So you’re either against Pathfinder or against flying in general?

Here’s an anomaly: I like Pathfinder and I also like flying!


The very low rep given is gross. I’d like to play the content i enjoy, not run around doing WQs. This was true before the patch too…


Agree op. But it falls on deaf ears. Just got done Deleting all payment information from the account page. Started going through the realms list, and deleted a bunch of toons also. A couple level 80’s from back in the wolk days that I never bothered to level in Cata. Also a few 110’s, and a couple 120’s that I only leveled for the heritage armor. Been fun, but ya I don’t mind a pathfinder type thing for flight, but almost a year into this expansion getting all the rep with the current factions only to have it gated by not one, but two more factions, in nothing but two mob trash zones. No thanks. Using the wallet instead of voicing opinions on a forum they pretty much ignore anyways. Money talks bs walks. Speak with your wallet. That is what I just did a little while ago.


I really don’t see a problem with Pathfinder besides the fact that you are only able to fly after patch X.2

Like, why? The reason before was that I had not explored Draenor before, or the Broken Isles or Zandalar/Kul Tiras.

But I did, I completed part 1… months before the new patch launched.

I wish Pathfinder 1.0 gave flying in Zandalar and Kul Tiras and 2.0 gave flying in Nazjatar and Mechagon, easy change.


That makes sense… earn PF for the current patch. Ground everyone for new patches until they get rep and explore in new zones as they are released.
Too bad we are not game DEVs.


Dude you know people have been flying in max level content all the way through BC, WOTLK, Cata, MOP the moment they hit max level right? You even had dedicated PVP servers during that time so there was no escaping it.

Suddenly now anti flyers want to make that an issue.


It’s so ridiculous. It’s the misguided cries of a vocal minority. People want flying. Most WOW players today have lives, that’s why we’re too busy to spend all day championing some obnoxious cause. There’s always some low-self-esteem mouth breather ready to tell us all how easy it is to rep grind. Try that with a job and a family. That’s the majority of the player base. People who can play 4 to 6 or more hours a day are not the ones keeping the lights no at ActiBlizzard. They have to realize this. Pathfinder was and is a mistake and I have been playing less and less since they introduced it in WOD.

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[Hotfix Flying Right now and Promise to never do this to us again]

Oh boy oh boy. If this works, next you gotta promise to talk to Nike, okay? Then Comcast…no, Apple next, then Comcast.

I can’t believe it’s this easy. One customer, speaking with authority, commanding a billion-dollar company to obey him.

Pathfinder is literally made for the casual crowd, especially the quest lines and world quests. It’s quite the opposite actually, once you have depleted the world quests for that area it’s basically done for the day.