This has to be the worst Blizzard comment I've ever seen

Not allowing a good amount of people a seat at the table and then making people who do (unelected I might add) decide the fate of others is a great to gain a lopsided representation for the whole.

You don’t have to have democracy but if you are going to pull insights from a small few it better be of a representative nature instead of an oligarchy.

But it isn’t wrong.
Missing information? Yes, but wrong information? no.

You tried to rise above me by claiming I was twisting words into my agenda.
You then made up your own statistics to fit your agenda.
I provided you with a bunch of sources to aid what I was saying, when I asked you for your aid material you replied back with the most predictable response you could have given.
“They don’t matter”.
Blizzard feels the same way. It makes sense why you’re defending them.

Less valuable?
Or as Akston said, do you mean worthless?
Because that’s what it’s about.

It isn’t about what the Alpha people are saying, this is about how the general population is reacting to the changes.
It happened the exact same way with Azeirte gear. Everyone hated it, even people not playing, and they dismissed it because they knew better.

This isn’t some complicated overly designed feature. You don’t need to have Alpha access to know if you like what you see.

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This is what they said in context.

Blizzard said of less value. They have always said feedback without experience is of less value than feedback with experience of the content. They have said that for years now. This is nothing new at all.

And their entire argument is premised on cool downs being an issue, which the vast majority of players giving input have said it isn’t, and that includes alpha players.

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Also I am going to put this here for any blizzard person to see. Your first iteration of Torgast was very lacking, and this one is shaping up to be lacking in another way. Only going to do this because of the obvious nature of it being a chore. I do enjoy other activities though (raiding, world content, m+, collection, etc).

But there are plenty of people wrong by talking about hard timers, similar to m+, and claiming that is why they don’t like the timer in Torghast.

I created no statistics. I said many people are fine with it. Many people are.

I didn’t say they all don’t matter. I am saying the ones basing their feedback on wrong information don’t matter.

This is like if a chef wants to know if his meal tastes ok. Of course he’d value the opinion of the person actually eating the meal more over someone just looking at the ingredient list.

Less valuable is PR talk. How is that not obvious?
and exactly, they’re doing what they have done for years, and about 1 month ago with an interview with Ion they said how they were dismissing the feedback because internally they knew better.

So a group of people who want no timer are saying there is no issue to begin with. You realize blizzard actually watches what people do in that content on alpha, so they know what people are actually doing.

Disingenuous point. There is another aspect that a cook can receive feedback from people about their food. Seeing how it looks when laid another person’s table and the smell it has coming out the kitchen.

That level of insight into the critique is what you are purposely avoiding.

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I haven’t heard any complaints from actual alpha players until this started, many if not most were actually having fun and then Blizz decided they’re doing it wrong.

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Akston I didn’t even read your post, i’m just replying to let you know I’m done wasting my time reading your response.

I asked you for a source and you didn’t provide one.
You’re a hypocrite and I don’t know if it’s ignorance or innocence but you cant see past that friendly PR talk.
You think Blizzards track record is irrelevant.
And then you dismissed all of my sources because they’re worthless. Yet you’r arguing that Blizzard doesn’t do the same.

It’s just a pointless conversation.


That was different because they never properly implemented Azerite in BFA beta. All the complaints were met with “Internal builds have additional azerite and we think its working well”, but the public beta never caught up with the internal builds.

There is no indication they are dogfooding here. Asking alpha testers to provide detailed feedback and taking general non-tester population feedback with a grain of salt seems appropriate.

I’d rather they send out more invites and get more high-quality targeted feedback than solicit feedback based purely on community speculation.

That isn’t the type of thing most players complain about, being able to cheat the system in that manner. Doesn’t mean just because you don’t SEE anyone complaining, no one hasn’t complained, nor does it mean that is doesn’t need to be changed because of the effect it will have on the game as a whole.

I guess because every company I have ever seen in the world operates this way.

I can’t think of a single company I have ever seen that values a person with no experience the same as they value a person’s opinion with experience.

But the thing is, the person eating the meal can also give that same opinion.

That means that one person has an opinion more valuable than the other. They can tell you haw it smells, tastes, looks like, all the senses.

The person who has not eaten it, can not give the same over all opinion on the item.

No one is saying you can’t give feedback without experiencing it. Only experiencing it makes your feedback more valuable. They aren’t saying if you don’t experience it, your feedback has no value. Only limited value.

We both know you make up things about what was said to push a narrative anyways. Why do I need to say anything? Just pretend I did like you have been about everything else.

You have consistently twisted what Blizzard said, and twisted what I have said. The next logical step is just not even reading what I say and making up my entire argument for me.

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Ok, I can’t argue with a mind reader.

If the food looks like dog poo coming out of the kitchen. And smells like dog poo. I don’t care what more direct insight the person eating it has over me. Especially if there are only a select number of people allowed at the table to eat said dog poo. For all we and everyone else know they could have inadvertently selected for dog poo eaters for the taste testing.

Lest you forget high rated pvpers wanted stat templates for pvp, which what we got for Legion. And you know what happened? Participation in the activity plummeted, not to mention it led to its disgusting offspring of pvp scaling.

“By and large, your failures in Torghast are measured in deaths, not with a timer.”

Quoted right from the post that Blizzard has on their web site. They Lied, people are mad. What are the twisted facts?


You wanting the insight is irrelevant. In this analogy, the chef wants the insight of “how does this taste”.

I have eaten many things in my life that looked horrible but once I actually tasted it, was quite delicious.

Ironic. The people that often identify as “casual” seem to regularly ask for templates to come back so they aren’t at the mercy of people with better gear.


Where is the lie? Spell it out for me.

Not with a timer. timers were added, they lied.

Even Blizzard calls it time based. Not nat hard to figure out the lie.